An Aberrant Week! [Monday Meeting Notes]

The title may say “Monday Meeting Notes” because, well, it’s Monday and that’s what we do! But it’s a lie. There was no Monday Meeting this week. Now that I’ve established myself as an unreliable narrator, what will you do? How can you trust that the information I’m bringing you is accurate? I’m even questioning … Read more

Aberrific! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Full disclosure: with flying to Gen Con being two days away, my brain is squirming like a toad. So, quick points from the meeting, all arranged haphazardly just like that toad. Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Kickstarter Woohoo: With the TC: Aberrant KS down to it’s last day, we are just thrilled by the number and quality … Read more

Pow, Pow, Pow, Ow! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Yeah, the above art is pretty much us, dealing with Kickstarter shipping. I’ll get back to that later, but right now, YAY! for our Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Kickstarter that funded in less than a day! Right now we’re blasting through the Stretch Goals as noted below in the Kickstarter section of the Blurbs! Thanks so … Read more

Look At The Fire, Man! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Of course the big news is that we’re starting the Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Kickstarter campaign tomorrow, Tuesday July 2nd, at 2pm Eastern US time. And above is one of the pieces of artwork; this one featuring the dramatic moment when Randel Portman manifested his powers. Becoming then, The Fireman – the first known Nova (Aberrant). … Read more