A Month On Mars [Monday Meeting Notes]

  Wow. We are indeed closing in on a month of visiting the red planet via the Cavaliers of Mars Kickstarter campaign! Now, the KS is closing in on its last few days, and we raised quite a bit more than expected (wow 700%+) and were able include some cool extra Stretch Goal projects so … Read more

Life On Mars [Monday Meeting Notes]

Another beautiful Chris Huth illustration from Cavaliers of Mars, this time in crisp, detailed, black and white line-art. Aesthetically, this is a look that our recent projects have tended to move away from in favor of staying current with audience expectations of full color, or at least some color. But it is a style and … Read more

If Mars Has Canals…[Monday Meeting Notes]

…It Must Have a Venice. That was the first line Rose Bailey pitched to me describing her new idea for a game, Cavaliers of Mars. That was right when I started Onyx Path several years ago, and she’s been working on the project ever since. Swashbuckling adventure inspired by just about everything ever written in … Read more

The Labor Party [Monday Meeting Notes]

Yes, everything you’ve heard about my being a mean, nasty, horrible boss is true: we did have our weekly meeting today, even though it’s supposed to be a holiday in the US. Well, mostly supposed to be, but lots of businesses don’t close, and the long weekend isn’t even the true demarcation line between Summer … Read more