Laboring Day

Today in the US, and I also hear it’s similar in Canada but with an extra “u”, we have the Labor Day Holiday. This matters little to us at Onyx Path as we have tons of stuff to get done, so we’re working away anyway. Eddy was at home, but just fine with chatting at … Read more

Scheduling a Schedule Talk

A lot of what we’re doing right now at Onyx Path is catching up with both the stuff that drifted a bit with Gen Con attendance and prep, and scheduling talks and meetings with the folks we met there. There should be some fun announcements coming up in terms of who we’re working with on … Read more

Post Gen Con Sorta Monday Meeting Notes

Wow! Was that a wild five days. Plus travel. Eddy and I shared a room again this year, so it sorta counts as a Monday Meeting. But because everybody has been playing catch-up on sleep and emails and notes, I have no Updates nor any real meeting notes this week. Instead, let me talk about … Read more

Flying Out to Indy…

Just a quick Monday Meeting Notes to say that everything anybody is talking about this week is Gen Con in Indy. There are plenty of our Onyx Path gang not able to attend, and we’ll miss all you folks and hope you’re working hard while we’re “playing” at the con. Was that mean? Only on … Read more

The Pause That Refereshes…

I go through 2-5 of these Coke Zeros a day. During vacation, I got it down to 1-3. That’s good isn’t it? Maybe I’ll get superpowers. But some days you just need the magic go-juice. I hope everybody enjoyed Eddy’s guest stint last week as he returned to writing our blog here. Now watch me … Read more

Monday Meeting With Myself

Rich is on his yearly vacation, communing with nature or taking his family to Wallyworld or something. It’s something that requires him to be away from email, and the very idea of that causes my brain to shut down, so I don’t remember exactly what he said he was doing. However, before he set off … Read more

Catch-Up Ketchup

Last week: no meeting with Eddy, who was on vacation, and then a raft of various issues in folks’ personal lives conspired to keep me from getting the various Updates I need to present to you lovely readers. So, by the time I got most of the info late Friday night, I just scrapped the … Read more

Right Before the Fireworks

I’ve been using this icon of myself for a couple of years, and that thing in my mouth is a fireworks sparkler. With the 4th of July US holiday coming this week, I just thought you should know not to hold sparklers in your mouth. (I do things like that, but I do a lot … Read more

Sliding Into Summertime

This is the last week before CCP North America takes a two week Summer vacay, so Eddy and I talked about how to handle our art and book approvals during that time. My idea, that we get a free pass on anything submitted during that time, was heretical and I’m in the time-out chair right … Read more