Labor Day +1

Our friend Eddy continues to be out, but he’s doing a lot better with the aftereffects of his ear operation, and we’ve even started sending files back and forth again. Inner ear issues: not fun. So here is a brief smattering of where things stand with our projects- an update with little movement, but so’s … Read more

Is Eddy ‘ere?

Hopefully, as I write this, our good friend Eddy Webb is recovering from his ear operation and everything went well. Knowing him, he’ll be tweeting his status as you read this. But with Eddy away, I’m taking over the Monday Lunch Meeting blogs, Mwa Ha Ha Ha! But without Eddy, there’s not much real conversation … Read more

GenCon! Eardrums! Blogging!

Meeting Notes Rich tells me about his flight back from GenCon, and about the new show “Copper.” (Not great, but not bad, he says.) I was too exhausted yesterday, so I just watched a few episodes of the 90s X-Men cartoon. He also tells me about his favorite fantasy book, “The Mirror of Her Dreams.” … Read more

Before GenCon and Bone Saws

Meeting Notes Rich asks me how my pre-op stuff went. Nothing I didn’t expect — I’ll be going under the knife on the 27th, and I’ll be recovering for about a week. But I can still drink at GenCon, so that’s good. My surgery means that I’ll be handing the Monday Meeting blog off to Rich … Read more

In Soviet Russia, You Email Spam!

Meeting Notes Rich and I go over outstanding email requests. Rich is talking to Russians and Japanese people. At least, in his spam folder. We had a good conversation over email with Russell and Matt about Demon. Blood Sorcery is still moving along. On Facebook, Justin posts: “This week: delving back into Hunters Hunted 2 … Read more

Down in Atlanta

Meeting Notes The last bits and pieces are going back and forth in the background. Soon. (At least, I really hope it’s soon.) Justin was down in Atlanta, when I was in Cincinnati. He signed books. I did not. Art is (nearly) all in for Children of the Revolution. Christmas in July sale happening now … Read more

Total Eclipse of the Heart

Meeting Notes Rich is back from the cabin. It was a nice vacation, if a bit shorter than usual. Announcement is on hold for a bit. We’re anxious and excited to give the announcement, but there were some internal pieces that need to be put together, and with various vacations they couldn’t come together the … Read more

Scheduling Jenga

Meeting Notes I’m deep into my vacation, which means writing, LARPing, and playing video games. Rich is still evolving his workspace. Part of this evolution seems to involve a brief power outage, and I lose Rich for a bit. Once he’s back, I tell Rich about my nWoD short story that I’m working on. It … Read more

The Wrong Headphones

Meeting Notes I’m on vacation, but I still call Rich to have our Monday Meeting. Because I love Rich so much. SO. MUCH. When I call, Rich had the wrong headphones on (the headphone for his Mac, not his PC). But he needs them, so it’s okay. This morning I worked on my book of … Read more

My Head Falling Off

Meeting Notes Rich asks me about my ear problems (I’ve been having medical problems), and my pending vacation. He doesn’t want the side of my head falling off. We’re working on a big announcement on July 15th. I’m trying to find a way to get into the old office to get some W20 art for … Read more