Release Roundup: May 2021

We’re finally coming out of March 2020 as more and more of us are getting vaccinated. Keep up the great work! I miss face-to-face conventions. This past month saw the release of the following: Scion: Scion 2nd Edition Live-Action (PDF/print) Scion: Storypath Tasty Bit: Zeus! We Just Wanna Talk! (PDF) Vampire: The Masquerade: Children of … Read more

Extra-Essence-ory Reception! [Monday Meeting Notes]

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! That’s just me, still over-awed by the great reception to the Exalted: Essence Kickstarter! We went live on Thursday and funded in 13 minutes! I’m told by our Master of the Records, Impish Ian Warson, that this was in fact our fastest funding EVAH- beating the original EX3 KS by five minutes! We’ve also … Read more

Exalted: Essence is now on Kickstarter!

Exalted: Essence features streamlined rules for a new way of playing a classic game, incorporating story-focused action and a presentation designed to appeal to new players and longtime fans alike. Featuring multiple classic Exalt types with Charms for each, written to enable ease of play, Exalted: Essence emphasizes story over character, character over mechanics, and … Read more

Now Available: Lunars Deluxe, and Rome shirts

Now available in traditional print from Indie Press Revolution: Lunars: Fangs at the Gate Deluxe Edition! Shapeshifters, monster-heroes, divine apex predators — the Lunar Exalted are all these and more. Once they reigned over the First Age alongside the Solars, but in this fallen era, ten thousand Dragon-Blooded sit upon Creation’s stolen throne. The Lunars … Read more

Mimes & Pun-ishment. [Monday Meeting Notes]

Although our illustration above, by long, long-time WoD artist Ken Meyer, Jr., isn’t really all that funny or punny, and only sort of a mime, that’s kind of the point today. A lot of our game lines are pretty serious. They’re about catharsis and dealing with (un)life in an unfair world. We have extended that … Read more