[Curseborne] The Dead #1

Our last Lineage to share is the Dead. This Lineage is an interesting one, because it is a concept that many people have expressed interest in, but one that I don’t think I’ve ever seen done quite this way in media. I’ve certainly seen ghost stories where the focus of the story is on the … Read more

[Curseborne] What Do Characters Do?

We’ve talked about what Curseborne is, who the characters are, what kinds of places the world has in it, and what kind of creatures inhabit it. The last pressing question that must be on your minds is “What do the characters do in the game?” We’ve used the words creepypasta, street level, and urban horror … Read more

[Curseborne] The Hungry #3

In last week’s blog entry on the Hungry of Curseborne, we talked about the outcast emotion vampires of the Black Hearts. This week we’ll cover a third family, a consanguineous demonic cult that consumes souls and worships a demon for the benefit of others, or so they tell themselves. They are… The Vorare In the … Read more

[Curseborne] Liminal Spaces #3

There’s one kind of liminal space we’ve not covered at all, and it’s known as an epoch. A few people have been asking about how Curseborne might expand to grander schemes, conspiracies, and worlds of horror, and an epoch is one such way. Epochs The strangest of liminalities and also the hardest to access are … Read more

[Curseborne] Adversaries #2

Qualities and Dread Powers Since our blog on Red Riding Hood – a very popular idea for a Curseborne adversary, it seems – we’ve had a lot of questions about how adversaries function in the game. Let’s keep our focus on Red Riding Hood for a moment and explore the powers that particular creature has … Read more

[Curseborne] The Hungry #2

In our previous blog entry on the Hungry of Curseborne, we explored what the Hungry are and the self-appointed vampire nobles of House Báthory. Today, we go in a starkly different direction, a family of rebels who crave emotions. These Hungry obsess over humanity and hate other Hungry with a passion, and both lead them … Read more

[Curseborne] The Hungry #1

The Hungry are undead creatures cursed to feed on living beings for survival and to be able to control their powers and their own bodies. They are master manipulators, pulling on mortals’ strings to make them sway in their direction. They all drink blood, but each family also hungers for something else, something different and … Read more

[Curseborne] The Sorcerers #3

This is the last of the Sorcerer previews, so I wanted to share with you one of the Families I spent a long time thinking about and trying to wrap my head around it. Some backstory on this family is that the original pitch for them was as a biker gang who bloodied other people … Read more

[Curseborne] Liminal Spaces #2

We return to those oddities in the world of Curseborne: liminalities. Many of your Curseborne stories will be set in and around liminal spaces, because they’re where weird things concentrate. Perhaps there’s been a spate of disappearances and they all centre on one sewer entrance. Maybe there’s been an uptick in violence, and everyone charged … Read more