[Curseborne] The Sorcerers #2

In our first look at Sorcerers, we learned what makes a Sorcerer, and what kind of power they have. We took a look at the irreverent Unburdened through the lens of our narrator, Kai. Kai told you all about sacrifice, and how magic is part of a larger web of curses that take and take … Read more

[Curseborne] The Sorcerers #1

Sorcerers are the result of someone answering the question, “What would you give up to have all the power in the world?” with “anything” and finding out that this was the wrong answer. Every Sorcerer is cursed to not just be able to cast magic, but to need to cast magic in a way that … Read more

[Curseborne] The Outcasts #3

In last week’s blog entry on the Outcasts of Curseborne, we covered the most militant and ferocious of the families: The Battleground Angels. This week we’ll cover a third family, one that many people think of when they consider demons and tempters of popular culture and ancient myth. They are mistaken as the hedonists, the … Read more

[Curseborne] Adversaries #1

Shivers, Frights, Terrors, Nightmares… and Red Riding Hood What’s life without a little challenge? Relaxing, that’s what. Relaxation is, sadly, not something the Accursed often get to enjoy. Challenges rear their heads in all manner of ways – curses, tricks, interstitial prisons, adversaries wanting to chew their faces off… It’s not always easy bearing a … Read more

[Curseborne] The Outcasts #2

In our previous blog entry on the Outcasts of Curseborne, we explored what the Outcasts are and one of the most secretive families: the Nephilim. Now, we go to the other extreme, a family devoted to openly combatting the archons wherever they can be found. These soldiers train all their lives to fight against the … Read more

[Curseborne] The Outcasts #1

The Outcasts are the descendants of a spirit (known as an “archon”) cast out from another world. It doesn’t matter if they were an angel, a demon, a minor god, or a horror from beyond — something did something wrong and was banished to our world as a result. And the Outcasts are the inheritors … Read more

[Curseborne] The Primal #3

In our most recent Primals-focused Curseborne, we took on the Hyde family with their goals of mutation and forced evolution. From there we travel to damp family manors, abandoned docklands, and twilight-soaked shores to find our next family. Buried amid the mold and sunken in squalid mires, concealed by deep, shadowed corners, you will find… … Read more

Release Roundup: July 2024

Welcome to the Release Roundup! This is where we update you on what we’ve been up to for the last month, from weekly releases to crowdfunding projects to production status updates. This month’s Onyx Path releases include: This month’s Onyx Path merch includes: This month’s Community Content, from the Storypath Nexus, Slarecian Vault, and Canis Minor includes: Crowdfunding Update … Read more

[Curseborne] Curse Dice

We’ve been hearing a lot of questions about what curses are, what curse dice are, and how the two interact. The last time we talked about the world of Curseborne, we talked about how the curse is everywhere and affects everyone. Characters who are damned have a moderate amount of control over the curse, and … Read more