Now Available: Creature Collection 5e!

Now available in PDF and print-on-demand from DriveThruRPG: The Scarred Lands Creature Collection! Monsters! From the horrible wrack dragon to the hideous skullworm, creatures frightening and wondrous are found throughout the Scarred Lands. Discover your favorites anew in this hand-picked selection of adversaries from the storied history of the Creature Collection and the Scarred Lands. … Read more

Release Roundup: June 2020

Almost forgot! This June, with the assistance of the crew at Gehenna Gaming, we ran our first OnyxPathCon, a virtual convention, since all the regular shows in meat-space are cancelled or postponed. It seemed to go pretty well, with a number of panels, games, and actual plays over the three-day event. We’re hoping it isn’t … Read more

Now Available: Vigil Watch 3 and Scion Screen and Wallpaper

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Vigil Watch Chapter 3: Leoni for Scarred Lands! Ghelspad Expanded! Ghelspad is a massive and diverse land. Once a paradise, this continent is now scarred by the ravages of the Titanswar. In the wake of divine bloodshed, and beset on all sides by titanspawn, the people of … Read more

Now Available: Swine and Cheese Party, and the Æon Jumpstart

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Swine and Cheese Party, et al.: Excerpts from the Complete Duke Rollo, an oddity for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant! “Do you know who I am?” “I don’t, sir. I don’t. And that’s not the best way to ask for special—” “No, no, I mean, do you know who … Read more

Release Roundup: May 2020

What a month. On the upside, Trinity Continuum: Anima was announced! So that’s cool. Legendlore Manuscript Preview (DriveThruRPG) in PDF Scarred Lands: Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad, Part 3 (DriveThruRPG) in PDF Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2 (DriveThruRPG) in PDF and print 1806 BCE: Hunger in the Black Land (Werewolf: The Forsaken, Promethean: The Created, … Read more

Actual Play Spotlight: Community Service [Aberrant]

This week’s actual play spotlight goes to the explosive world of Trinity Continuum: Aberrant, and the fantastic Community Service actual play that Kyle has been running for an amazing crew of players. Kyle has a really enthralling style of Storyguiding, where he operates his games fully as a collaborative exercise involving players and viewers. Also, you’ll … Read more

Now available: Death is Not the End, and Spilled Blood in print!

Now available in ebook and print from Storytellers Vault: Death is Not the End: A Geist: The Sin-Eaters Anthology! Death is not the end. You learned that firsthand when you died. In that darkness, you made a deal that brought you back — with something else. Now, bound inextricably to a geist — a shade, … Read more

Release Roundup: April 2020

Following up on March, we’ve had a number of sales over the past month to try to alleviate the twin forces of stress and boredom that we’re all dealing with. Included in that are, of course, plenty of new releases: Scarred Lands: Vigil Watch, Chapter 2: The Yorling of Mansk (PDF via DriveThruRPG) Scion: Mythical … Read more

Now Available: Helnau’s Guide and Distant Worlds in print!

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties for Dystopia Rising: Evolution! No one knows how long it’s been since the world was blasted with nuclear radiation and became infested with the undead. The survivors of the Fall were the first strain of deviation of the human condition and were … Read more