Category: Trinity Continuum: Aether

  • III: No Sacrifice Too Great

    III: No Sacrifice Too Great

    I must admit to a certain schadenfreude. Don’t mistake me, I had no desire to see London burn, or for innocents to lose their lives, but Jonathan, is this not what we’ve been telling them for years? There are monsters among us! Should it have come as such a shock that Martians are prepared to…

  • II: What Fear We, Flame?

    II: What Fear We, Flame?

    You were there just as we were. Those strikes across our world: London, Paris, New York, maybe places so far unreported or unrecorded — we do not trust the press nor our fellow Aethernauts to not conceal the facts from us — they took you by surprise, but they really should not have. After we…

  • I: From the Depths of Space to the Heart of London

    I: From the Depths of Space to the Heart of London

    I was there when the first attackers landed on our planet. I watched the plumes of green light flashing through the night’s sky and with my friend Ogilvy, an astronomer, we even followed one to Horsell Common, where it had landed. I say “landed.” Truly, it had embedded itself in the earth, billowing hot steam…