CCP | White Wolf Websites Update

Originally posted by Shane on the V20 Blog

As was previously reported CCP had a massive hardware failure in Europe yesterday. This drastically effected a number of our websites.  Most notably EVE, The Grand Masquerade & Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition websites. There are some additional problems with the main website as well.  We are still working on these to get them back up running and functional.  However in the interim those websites are not currently active. In the interim we recommend the following sites for information until the regular websites come back online.

The Grand Masquerade Official Facebook Page

To order Grand Masquerade tickets please go directly to the Eventbrite Grand Masquerade ticket page

Vampire The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition Official Facebook Page

V20 Blog (The Blog page while connected to was actually a separate website and was not effected like the main splash page)
Twitter: #V20

To Order a copy of V20 please go directly to the White Wolf store V20 page

Thank you all for your patience and if anyone has any questions please don’t hesitate contacting me at

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