You Are Not Alone: Part 20

7 thoughts on “You Are Not Alone: Part 20”

  1. Did she just got brainwashed? Because it seemed to me the nova blow up where her husband was. But I don’t know anything about this version of the world just what they will become in the future.

  2. Yes, she just experienced Nova social fu backed up by telepathy. This is the shit that the Directive is worried about.

  3. It’s possible for novas to be a problem and also be a potential solution to the world’s ills without brainwashing needing to be involved.

    • Sure, but if you are angry at nova’s and the thing that convinces you that they are the solution is being show an image of your husband burning in a nova created fire, it feels a lot more like brainwashing than anything else.

  4. The Novas are more like the firefighters in Fahrenheit 451 than they’ll admit to. Their solution is as bad as the problem they’re trying to solve.


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