9 thoughts on “Deluxe Changing Breeds Kickstarter is GO!”

  1. I asked a question over there but in the middle of all those post it’s easy to miss. So, if you do not mind I will ask here instead.

    I have pledged to be a model for art in Book of the Wyrm. I simply wanted to know if there was any way at all to influence what we’ll be portrayed as? Thank you.

    • If there is, that’s something to mention to Mike Chaney at the time — if you’ve got a strong preference for what you want to be (or not to be, as is the case), let him know and I’m sure he’ll do what he can.

      • Hi! Thanks, I followed your hint from the kickstarter comment and I asked Richt directly. I got my answer. Thanks for the help 🙂

  2. Hi guys

    I’ve pledged to get a print copy of W20 CB and have spent most of the morning looking through the pre release version.

    As a lover of the Gurahl I couldn’t help but notice that the gift Fiddle Fish is missing (either that or I’m blind, must turn into homid form and look again) I was wondering if you could put it back in their?

    Or is it their and I’m just being a bit thick?

    Regards from England


  3. Is it just me, or is information on the recovery of Rage for those Fera that have it sparse? Only the Nagah seem to have this spelled out.

  4. I’ll ask my question here too; the Kickstarter comment page is moving fast.

    I missed out on the W20 Deluxe, so I’m getting a Print on Demand copy of that. So as nice as the CB Deluxe is sure to be, I’d like my copies to match. Right now I’m pledged for the PDF copy of Changing Breeds, is there a way I can upgrade my pledge to a PoD copy?


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