The Demon quickstart, written by Matt, went to editing today. Meanwhile, Mike is hard at work on designing the character sheet. It’s a bit of a challenge, since Demon has a significant bit that none of the other games have.
The quickstart is called “Honey and Vinegar.”
I love the updates. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. 🙂
Hey, get mr. Gone to help with the sheet! He is god of those things! Unless his real name is mike…
So are there likely to be copies of the Quick Start available for purchase at GenCon? I know the goal is to have them ready but I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to walk away with one or if they were a “look while you are here” sort of thing.
Because I would really like to be able to run a Demon game out of the Quick Start book while I’m at GenCon.
Man, I can’t wait to get my hands on that.
I’m very curious. . . so far the game seems heavily referenced to the God-Machine, but will it also connect (or have story seeds/ideas) to Inferno and the Akathartoi mentioned in mage?
Maybe, but unlikely. The Akathartoi are creatures of human evil; the Unchained of D:tD are merely rogue agents of the God-Machine. Both entities are called demons, but they are as far as I know unrelated to each other. This is speculation on my part based on the GMC and what I remember from the D:tD forums.
Probably so. I guess we’ll wait and see. The suspense is destroying me.
I know what you mean. On the plus side, the quickstart was sent off for approval the Friday before last, if I understood the last Monday Meeting update. I think we’ll have something more substantial to look at next week.