Disciplines: Part 1 of 3

Originally posted by Eddy on the V20 Blog

There are just so many words devoted to the Disciplines that I’ll be doing them in a series of three posts over the next few weeks. This series will cover the Disciplines originally presented in Revised, so no bloodline or obscure Disciplines. They do have 1-9 dot powers, where there was material for all nine dots (some powers didn’t have discrete powers at each dot).

While these powers will all be in one chapter, I’ve broken them up into separate documents for easier reference and playtesting. This week, we have:

As always, your commentary is appreciated. However, I would like to emphasize that, if at all possible, either playtest these powers or (if they’re largely unchanged) tell us your past gameplay experiences in using them. Opinions on how they should be different are certainly valid, but hard data of how these powers are breaking is far, far more useful to me.

EDIT: To clarify, Celerity and Fortitude do go up to 9 dots, but there are only “replacement” powers are 6-8, it seems. Since this is essentially the same as having two powers to purchse at those levels (like some other elder Disciplines have), I was okay with leaving them that way.

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