Disciplines: Part 2 of 3

Originally posted by Eddy on the V20 Blog

First off, there’s been a lot of conversation on the previous post, and I’ve taken a lot of notes. Thanks so much for the commentary! I’m going to try and track changes on my Disciplines chapter so I can show how much impact this conversation is having on the rules (I’ve been trying to do that for some of the other documents as well, but I forget sometimes), but I want to make it clear that I have been spending hours pouring over the commentary and considering all the nuances to the best of my ability (which means I just don’t have as much time to actually follow up and dive into discussions myself). I might not agree with everything everyone says, but it has all be useful and helpful, both in the Disciplines and in every part of the V20 project. You guys are sincerely making a huge impact on the shape of this book.

(And since the Discipline chapter is turning out to be an entire quarter of the book, this isn’t a minor or insubstantial impact!)

Okay, enough hugging. Here are the rest of the non-“path and ritual” Disciplines.

  • Obfuscate
  • Obtenebration
  • Potence — this was rewritten to work in conjunction with rewritten Celerity. I know there’s a lot of controversy over the current version of V20 Celerity, but please look at this in the context of Celerityand Fortitude as they are right now — that will help me decide if I need to revise all of them or if individual Disciplines just need some nudging here and there. (And please, any further Celerity opinions, put them in the previous Discipline blog post so I can focus on just these Disciplines here.)
  • Presence
  • Protean
  • Quietus
  • Serpentis
  • Viss… Vicci… The Discipline Tzimisce get

As before, please either playtest these powers or tell us your past gameplay experiences. I’ve been finding the commentary on how powers are playing out on the table much more helpful, although all commentary is, of course, appreciated.

And next week, we round out the series with Necromancy and Thaumaturgy. That’ll be fun. 🙂

EDIT: Changing Potence to a per-scene cost — lots of good arguments for it.

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