Episode Nine: Free (or Reasonably Cheap) Lances

In which Eddy, Dixie, and Matthew talk about the freelance life, both for Onyx Path and in general.

  • How to get into freelancing
  • The submission guidelines
  • Importance of tone in submissions
  • Matthew’s curveball: Networking and social media
  • The reality of emotions and personal conflict with clients
  • Dixie’s experience on great projects
  • Eddy’s experience on a difficult project
  • The importance of communication
  • Dealing with redlines and criticism
  • Eddy’s experience with redlines on Futurama: Game of Drones
  • Dixie’s experience with editing
  • Juggling work-life balance
  • Eddy’s cuts a promo on Matthew: Do you feel better about yourself after becoming a freelancer?

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