Episode One: A Beginning

In which our three hosts, Dixie Cochran, Eddy Webb, and Matthew Dawkins introduce themselves to roleplayers, gaming enthusiasts, and walkers along the Onyx Path. In this podcast we talk a little about our roles with Onyx Path, a little history of the company, our conflicting views on some of our games, future releases such as Dragon-Blooded, They Came From Beneath The Sea!, and the Contagion Chronicle (which even has a whole section read aloud in this recording as a lovely teaser), and some of our recent experiences in gaming!

25 thoughts on “Episode One: A Beginning”

  1. can i ask for a transcript of it? I’m stil learning english and i’m having some troubleunderstanding everything

  2. It really felt like we were allowed to be part of you guys getting to know each other and have your first real exchange. I very much enjoyed that.

  3. Ahh, this is good. Lots of properties to go over, though!

    Looking forward to next one.

    5 Stars! Seriously I don’t know if there’s any place to rate this but I really like.

    • Agreed. I thought Matthew had some pointed insights on what it takes to break into the industry and how import it is to just not give up.

  4. Thank you very much for the podcast it was fun listening to it. I have seen the Pugmire review on Matthew’s Youtube channel. I would be interested rather in the cat version. Could you tell about it a bit more next time? Being longtime WOD fan, I am looking forward to hear new about this franchise.

  5. Surprisingly funny pod cast.

    For Changeling if I acted as ST I’d focus a bit less on past trauma and more on dark temptation and the slow horror of understanding the Gentry increasingly as ones Wyrd grows.

  6. This was an excellent first episode! Thank you, folks, for putting this together. It was fascinating to hear how you all got started in the industry as well as the new projects you’re working on. Concerning Mathew’s brief mention of how he got started: Through submitting, rejection and finally treating a KS backer level as a “writing class” in order to see the nuts and bolts of development firsthand. I thought that was really informative. Persistence is key in building any career, but especially one in the arts. it is also worth noting that producers/developers often don’t tell those submitting *specifically* what they’re looking for or how to improve. Finding a way in to having those conversations can go a long way toward improving work. It also helps for the people looking at your work to see you and get to remember your name. Thanks again! Can’t wait for the next episode!


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