Fare Thee Well, Mike

Meeting Notes

  • I went to see John Oliver live last weekend. Lots of fun.
  • Rich is within a few hours of a final proof for the Werewolf Translation Guide.
  • Victorian Lost art coming in, and edited text all to Rich.
  • Talking with Russell about new Requiem products.
  • We talk about demons and machine gods.
  • W20’s in Ethan’s hands. Rich is getting contracts on art together and the plan for the W20 blog.
  • Exalted plans are exalted.
  • There are a lot of balls in the air, but things are falling into place and moving forward.
  • V20 Companion Kickstarter is 80% funded!
  • More surprises to come!

Today’s Reason to Drink: Mike Tinney is stepping down as President of CCP North America after well over a decade to start a new venture. We raise a beer to you, Mike!

12 thoughts on “Fare Thee Well, Mike”

  1. Does a final proof for a PDF mean that it could be available for download by the end of today/tomorrow then once it’s handed off to Drive Thru RPG?

    As for Art Contracts for W20, could we see a list of the artists who do get brought in? Do contracts need to be written for re-used/re-purposed artwork?

    And bring on the werewolftheapocalypse.com for W20! πŸ˜€

    • I think it means that, if its approved, then it will go into some sort of release process. I would assume that they would test it through the DTRPG system in some way (though, they have 1200 books there, so they may in fact be experts at it already). and scheduled for release. So…A few weeks? at the earliest, is my bet.

    • Once the proof is OK’d, it goes out to DTRPG to be sure the specs are right AND the PoD version goes to the Now in Print printer for approval of their specs. Then we have to get a physical proof from them to be sure the PoD version is good. Then it goes on sale.

      We’ll probably let you guys know who is in W20 via the W20 blog at some point, but since I’m only now finalizing their involvement it’d be premature to say anything now.

  2. Any info you can share on what Mike’s going to do now?

    (First for me: news of balls in the air falling actually being good news.)

  3. This is a little OT, but I had a few questions regarding POD. Are you guys contracted with drivethrurpg, exclusively, to deliver POD products? Or are you able/open to using a different distributor in the future? Is it cost effective to even use more than one distributor? All in all, let me say that I am pleased with your new business model. The main and most important thing to like about it is that it means that white wolf stays in business, obviously. And I also like that I can purchase previously out of print products. I must admit, though, that I will miss being able to purchase hard copies of products through Amazon for $8 to $10 less than retail with free shipping to boot.


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