Gamer Girls

Meeting Minutes

  • I scarf down a lunch of perogies and pork while Rich talks about his kid’s eating habits. Rich agrees me that bacon makes everything better. HEAR THAT, MEREDITH?
  • Rich talks to me about some of the ideas Justin’s had for Masquerade. It sounds promising. Justin also has a video almost done.
  • We talked a bit about how best to present our evolving business model to people, especially to those who aren’t as caught up on things like this blog.
  • Werewolf Translation Guide had some problems with the layout template, but Rich has rebuilt it and it is moving forward again.
  • Victorian Lost is back from editing, and I’m looking it over. I had a discussion with the editor about Victorian fiction constructs and how to balance them for a modern reading audience.
  • Rich thinks Ant-Man and Wasp were robbed.
  • Werewolf 20th is chugging along. More open dev blogs should be popping up in the next few weeks.
  • I had an interview with the OWbN Girls podcast, where I talked about sexism in gaming. It should be up soon.

Today’s Reason to Drink: Today is the first day of the Roman holiday of Parentalia, where offerings of garlands, wheat, salt, wine-soaked bread, and violets were made to the shades of the dead.

9 thoughts on “Gamer Girls”

  1. New Garou name: ~Gives-Wyrm-Bacon~ Well, maybe it can’t make EVERYTHING better, but it sure helps. 😉

    Suckage on the InDesign(?) issues. Glad it’s getting cleared up though. I’m looking forward to the Translation book. 😀

    Also can’t wait for more W20 blogs and development. 😀

  2. Nice teasers, again…
    Justin’s ideas for Masquerade, with video’s??
    I’d be very interesting to see a WW presentation on your new business model. I’d be nice to see more of that side of the company.
    OWbN Girls? I’ll do a google search. No idea what your talking about here… must be some by Night reference I suppose?


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