It’s the Last Few Days! As we planned, like a couple of years ago, our Kickstarter campaign for Curseborne ends this Thursday: October 31st – Halloween! We’re over 550% funded and 2550 backers and have been busy building three Stretch Goal projects: a Curseborne Fiction Anthology for those of you who want to immerse yourselves in the world by sitting down with a book, a series of Curseborne Adventure Scenarios, for those who want to get right into playing the sorts of stories we can provide you, and the Tangled Webs companion book for those of you who want more details added to those in the core book text itself!
I mean, I don’t think we could have made this campaign time out more appropriately for our return to horror games – it has run the whole of the spookiest month of the year and ends on Halloween, the night that lowers the walls between our world and that of the supernatural! Plus, Onyx Path is in its 13th year of doing business, so everything is just extra-lucky!
And with the last few days ticking away, there are still lots of added Stretch Goals to go since we’re entering the “resurgence” part of the campaign. So keep talking it up, folks – let’s get even more people involved! If you haven’t pledged yet, c’mon over to the KS page – the link is just below – and pledge! If you’ve already pledged, have you added on the Curseborne Dice Set?
The Curseborne Dice Set is an $20 Add-On, it’s not part of the Reward Tiers, and consists of 10 ivory and 5 black colored dice with the target numbers a different color and the Curseborne moth graphic replacing the 0! Just the things you want to sling across the table as your Primal shifts into an attack!
Like we started the campaign with, we’ll be doing a sort of combo Halloween Party/KS Wrap-Up hosted by Dixie and Eddy on our Twitch on Thursday at 1:30 pm Eastern US time! Come count down to the end of the KS campaign, visit with special guests, and maybe play a few party games, all while getting ready for Halloween night!

In the spirit (get it?) of having had a great campaign so far, I asked the team what their thoughts were here, and they sent me these points to consider:
I’m both excited and sad to see the end of this Kickstarter campaign. The whole thing has been a thrill ride as our initial adopters ramped us over a thousand backers within the first few days, and later adopters have been flocking to the project over the rest of the month. Every time I see a new backer comment about how excited they are to read through everything, I’m reminded why I do this work. There’s so much enthusiasm for this project, and seeing people already homebrewing new Families, Lineages, powers…the works, is giving me so many good feelings. We have so much more planned for Curseborne, this book is just the start. I’m so thrilled to have such a great fan base helping us launch it into the world, and I hope you’re all ready for the floodgates to open once we get this thing out the door!
It is wonderful to see the world of Curseborne, which we only hinted at through teases for so long, finally come into sharp focus with the Kickstarter manuscript. I think it is an immense payoff to all the build-up we’ve established through marketing, which is great! I also think it is important to remember, this is only the beginning for Curseborne! The core rulebook is just the first step on a terrifying and exhilarating journey into a whole new world of horror. As happy as I am with what we have so far, I’m equally excited for the parts of the world we will get to flesh out over the coming years!
There’s so much I’m excited for with Curseborne, but in particular right now I’m very enthusiastic for the stretch goals we’re now barrelling through! We’ve already unlocked so much, and we have even more planned if we keep doing good numbers! Folks should remember that this is the opportunity to hit these goals, so if you want even more books along with the cost of your pledge for Curseborne, now’s the time to support the campaign. I can’t wait to read the fiction we have planned and see what adventures we can come up with to get your Curseborne games going. I’m also very much enjoying creating the official Gentleman’s Guide to the Accursed videos over on my YouTube channel. I’ve created videos on the Iscariots, Get of Lyka, and Nephilim so far, so next week it’s Sorcerers or the Dead. Make a choice for a family from either and post below!
I don’t know how many ways I can say “Holy shit, I’m excited about Curseborne and how many of you are into it!” but I’ll try another way. We’ve been working on this setting for a few years now, and we’ve written, rewritten, refined, and playtested during that time so that we could be absolutely certain we were putting out something we wanted people to see. Of course, there’s always a bit more refining to be done, but we’re immensely happy with what we’ve presented thus far. I know a lot of you are spinning up your home games and streams based on the manuscript alone, and I can’t wait to hear about everyone’s choices! Thank you so much to everyone who has backed so far, and I hope we get a few more people on that train over the next couple of days. It’s been a whirlwind month, but as this Kickstarter draws to a close, I am so, so grateful to everyone who’s gotten on board with this book and the books to come!
I’ve heard a few people worried that Curseborne is going to be “wide and flat,” meaning there are a lot of options but not as much depth as an “of Darkness” game. And on the one hand, that’s kind of true, because we don’t have decades of books out into the world. But on the other hand, that’s absolutely false, because there is a lot of depth right out of the gate. The core rulebook doesn’t have absolutely everything people want, but the fact that people are so excited that they want to play hunters and have full necromancy and a complete grasp of cursebinding shows that there is a lot of depth here that people are already seeing and wanting more of. I’m really excited that we have such a strong base to build on over the years, and it’s all thanks to the 2,500+ backers who have jumped into the web of curses right at the start!
Curseborne has been in development for actual years, much longer than people may realize. After all that time, it can sometimes be hard to maintain excitement about a project: you’re too close to it. That’s where you come in. You showed up to the campaign in droves. You talked about it in forums, subreddits, and videos. You got excited, and that has in turn excited us. We’re thrilled with the reception Curseborne has had, and I know the Curseborne team is brimming with ideas for the future of the game line: a future you have helped confirm. Thank you.
If you want to know more, there’s just so many ways to learn more about Curseborne:
There’s the KS page itself, and pledging and receiving the text when you do, and then there’s the Ashcan and several promos available on DTRPG!
If you like getting your info through listening to audio, there are several weeks’ worth of Onyx Pathcasts available on your favorite Podcast venue – both Actual Plays and deep dives and interviews, the Pathcast gang has done them all!
Vids? Oh are you in luck! – we have Actual Plays going on our Twitch channel, and tons of vids up on our YouTube and also Matthew Dawkins’s legendary Gentleman Gamer YouTube channel! You don’t even need to go over there to find them, just scroll down through these Monday Meeting Notes and check out the vids in our Media section for just this week’s worth!
I really do want to mention that not only are the GG‘s Curseborne videos fantastic for both general and Family specific Curseborne info, but his series of looking at the work of other weird horror creators in mass media like David Lynch, Stephen King, or Jordan Peele and relating their work to Curseborne are fascinating, fun, and superb!

Let’s F***ing Go!
Our title for our meeting which everybody just burned through! So much energy and excitement seeing where CB is going! Boom, boom, boom and schedules were reviewed and projects updated!
If you’ve read up above about all our efforts towards getting word about Curseborne out, you might think that we did it all by ourselves, maybe with the help of a few fans. But really, it’s with the help of all of you backers who post about CB, and also a bunch of our friends at other gaming companies! I know, in this cutthroat RPG biz, who’d a thought that vicious rivals would put out the word for each other?
Well, we do actually help each other when needed, and encourage other companies all the time – it’s part of the fun part of doing this, and this time I’d like to call out Nightfall Game‘s help and their very limited time Kickstarter campaign for special 40th Anniversary versions of their Terminator TTRPG: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nightfall/the-terminator-rpg-limited-40th-anniversary-edition?ref=6ct5tl
They do quality work, always, and the visuals are always sweet, indeed! But get there fast, there’s only 70 hours remaining as I write this!

If you are feeling charitable, maybe all stuffed with Halloween candy, please consider supporting our friends at the Bodhana Group as they support Extra Life this Saturday November 2nd ! They’ll be playing games during the 24 hour marathon. All donations go directly to support their programs for kids and families! https://www.extra-life.org/participant/Bodhana_Plays
And if you just want to get some of our games at great prices, both IPR and DTRPG/Roll20 are finishing their sales of our stuff this week (links below in the Sales Partners area) as Halloween finishes up and October gives way to November – the most thankful month of all?
I actually wrote “thankful moth” above at first, which we certainly are! Thankful for everybody who has made this a great launch for our newest game, and for those of you who enjoy any of our games here in our:
Many Worlds, One Path!

Click on this link to start your dark journey into the highly-anticipated world of CURSEBORNE: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/200664283/curseborne-tabletop-roleplaying-game
On Kickstarter NOW!
Exalted: Alchemicals! Coming in November!
Onyx Path Media!

This week: Part 1 of the Last Train Curseborne Actual Play.
As always, this Friday’s Onyx Pathcast will be on Podbean or your favorite podcast venue!
Also check out our attached media schedule for the videos on our Twitch channel this week!

On this week’s Onyx Path News Matthew talks about Curseborne, the Trinity Continuum Player’s Guide, and They Came from [CLASSIFIED]! Check it out right here: https://youtube.com/live/iHm_v5P9WjA
It’s been another busy week of Curseborne media all over the internet, but let’s focus in on a few of those highlights:
Mage: The Podcast talks about which elements of Curseborne can be stolen (gasp!) for the World of Darkness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3cr_RNLkW0
Uncivilized Games make their way through the Curseborne manuscript right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LFfa5UMbpg
On The Gentleman Gamer’s YouTube channel, we have the third Gentleman’s Guide to the Accursed with his guide to the Nephilim! Check out this official lore drop here: https://youtu.be/d5bz3NstZLc
Red Moon Roleplaying continue their Curseborne actual play of SUFFER MY SINS: https://youtu.be/ocqZyIr-TgE?si=cUZz7Swou69Ye4q0
While Queen’s Court Games go on with their Curseborne game of STEALING THE SHOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ta5WHI9eA8A
And here’s Awkward GM Corbin’s Curseborne actual play FAMILY FEUD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loH_ultKa-k
And that very same Corbin continues his Beginner’s Guide to Curseborne here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LFfa5UMbpg
Back to The Gentleman Gamer’s channel where we conclude the LAST TRAIN Curseborne actual play with AEW and Ring of Honor’s Athena and Nyla Rose!: https://youtu.be/MN8IJ3w6iA0
And if Matthew Dawkins talking about Curseborne is your thing, you might also enjoy these videos about Curseborne intersecting with a variety of media inspirations:
David Lynch: https://youtu.be/02Put98aXZA
Stephen King: https://youtu.be/iAio_HEFI1s
Jordan Peele and Prano Bailey-Bond: https://youtu.be/9ew4R2TVt88
Mike Flanagan: https://youtu.be/zMb92vSS6qA
Good God that’s a lot.
Virtual Tabletop!
The legendary DTRPG and Roll20 Halloween Sale is Live (undead?) FOR ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS! Most of our entire catalog of PDFs and online game aids at spooky discounts!
They Came From Beneath the Sea! on Roll20 VTT!
The Scion: Origin and Scion Hero Compendiums are now available on Roll20!
Scion is just the start! They Came From Beneath the Sea! and other
Onyx Path RPGs are in development for Roll20 virtual tabletop!
The first of our official Scion sheets designed for Foundry VTT are
now available! https://foundryvtt.co
Looking for more virtual tabletop resources? We have a selection of
Tokens, Encounters, and more available now at DriveThruRPG! https://bit.ly/3SnrNJ7
Our Sales Partners!

We’re working with Studio2 to provide our traditionally printed books out into your local game stores. Game stores can order via their usual distributors, and can also contact Studio2 directly. And individuals can check out our projects via the links below!

Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books, dice, and screens? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
Half-o-Ween sale on IPR is running FOR ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS!:

As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles in PDF and PoD versions at DriveThruRPG.com!
The legendary DTRPG and Roll20 Halloween Sale is Live (undead?) FOR ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS! Most of our entire catalog of PDFs and online game aids at spooky discounts!
Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).

On Sale This Week!

Mwa Ha Ha Ha! The fourth of our They Came From [CLASSIFIED]! Tasty Bits is all about some villainy! PDF available Weds at DTRPG!
Here’s where you can find out more info on physical and virtual conventions we’re going to be involved with!
PAX Unplugged – December 6th – 8th

Game Night With Onyx Path Publishing at StartPlaying is the last Friday of every month! Come play some Curseborne that night! (But any of our game lines are welcome all day long!)
Here’s a link to give anyone $10 credit to play games on Start.Playing:
Please spread the word about GMing games as much as possible! Details on how list a game are at the bottom of the page in the FAQ:
Project Status Updates!
Our full list of projects will be available monthly on our blog! Check out September’s full list report here: https://theonyxpath.com/release-roundup-september-2024/
Here are the projects that moved to the next stage of production:
First Draft
At the Gates – Jumpstart
- Danielle: Kim Godwin has launched this project, and I’m excited for the adventure she’s come up with to take shape in the hands of our skilled author.
Tasty Bit – Æon: Starship Fight (November)
- Eddy: The final draft has been revised, and now our starships are flying through the Approval Nebula and to Editing Station!
In Art Direction
- Ex3 Alchemicals (KS) – KS art is in and approved by Paradox.
- SCION Titans Rising – Trying to get the art for this in by end of the year.
- SCION Demigod Companion – Sorting through some issues.
- TC Aegis -got color comps of the missing three pieces in…
- Curious Cats – Art buy configured.
- Branch Riders – Bodhana working on art buy.
- Curseborne (KS) – Wrapping up!
- Trinity Continuum CC
- Scion Tasty Bit Combo
- Ex Essence Pillars of Creation – Fixes still being made to full pagers….
- Ex Essence Deeds Yet Undone (Dirt Cheap) – Art approved.
- SCION God Storyguide Screen
- TC With Great Power
- M20 Victorian Bizarre Tales and Unusual Characters – To Travis.
- TCF RPG Anthology
- They Came From Classified Jumpstart
- The World Below
- Realms of Pugmire
At Press
- Reprints:
- Scion Origin – Should be arriving at Studio2.
- TC Core – Should be arriving at Studio2.
- Ex 3 Exigents – Prepping press files.
- Ex 3 Exigents Screen – Looking at proofs.
- TC Aether – Prepping press files.
- TC Anima – On ship to Studio2.
- TC Anima Terra Surge Screen – At Studio2.
- TC Player’s Guide – Correx being worked on.
- Ex3 Sidereals – PoD proofs ordered.
- Ex Essence Jumpstart – PoD proofs ordered.
- Realms of Pugmire – Indexing.
- Sidereals Novella – PoD proof on the way.
- Scion: God – Prepping press files.
- They Came From the Cyclops’s Cave – On ship to Studio2.
- They Came From the Cyclops’s Cave Screen – At Studio2.
- They Came From CLASSIFIED – On ship to Studio2.
- They Came From CLASSIFIED Screen – At Studio2.
- Tasty Bit – CLASSIFIED Villain #4 (October) on sale this Weds on DTRPG!
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
If you haven’t read the rest of the blog yet: Thursday is Halloween!
I’m so happy for all of you that Curseborne is turning out so great and is appreciated by many. It has the potential to become a true classic.
And I’m happy for us to have such a great new game.
Concerning the video mentioned by Matthew:
I would be really interested in seeing something on the Archivists. In a certain way they seem to be very classic Sorcerers/knowledge-oriented characters. Then again the concept of sacrificing knowledge seems very peculiar and is teased in their chapter very esoterically. I would be interested in hearing more on that and to understand their views and their story potential more.
All the best
Very cool. I will pass your Archivists interests on to Matthew! Thanks!
Consider them passed out, passed over, and passed on.
Are we going to see write-ups for other factions other than the ones that we’ve seen so far? I saw the name of another Primal family called the Raptors and figured that it was avian-based.
The write-ups for all the different Families are in the text backers have already received for backing the Kickstarter and you can play the Raptors right now if you have that text – beyond that, we may offer further previews as the book is finalized and has a BackerKit order page and all that. So, maybe the Raptors will be previewed as we pull those things together!
The Release Roundup link SAYS September, but it links to June.
WordPress keeps doing that- honestly, you know how to find the right one, and October’s is going up in two days, so I’m not fixing it. Nyaah!