Hashtag Hangout

Meeting Notes

  • I’m running behind, as a WoD MMO meeting ran long and I rushed to grab lunch. Meanwhile, Justin emails Rich and me about hashtags.
  • Once I get on Skype, Rich and I talk a little about Google Hangouts, which we used last night for my Vampire game.
  • We talk about business and finances. Exciting stuff.
  • Rich is getting the art pieces together for Victorian Lost. He’s talking to Chris Shy, Mark Jackson, Andy Hepworth, Cathy Wilkins, and Pat Loboyko.
  • Rich makes excited noises about the upcoming Exalted and nWoD schedules, and Justin is pitching more V20 ideas.
  • Rich also mentioned that he talked to his new webmaster about the new website.
  • We talk a bit about how creative work-for-hire has changed in the 21st century.
  • Imperial Mysteries doing really well.
  • We kick around some ideas of what kinds of Requiem books we can add to the schedule, and the feasibility of doing the Book of Nod as an iPad app.
  • Geist 1.1 is in Ethan’s hands, soon to give to Aileen for layout.
  • V20 Companion in edits, and then into Victorian Lost.

Today’s Reason to Drink: Meetings.

21 thoughts on “Hashtag Hangout”

  1. Looking up the suggested Victorian Lost artists…
    Chris Shy: Is this the guy who made the “derangements” picture in the nWoD corebook? Either way, it looks like he could produce some darker pieces, though I wonder how he’d handle changelings. Interesting.
    Mark Jackson: I am not familiar with his work, and his site appears to be broken. No comment, alas.
    Andy Hepworth: Hm. Can’t really say I’m a fan of this guy, even less so after realising that he drew Wonky Eastern Panther.
    Cathy Wilkins: Not bad. Nothing too eyecatching either, though.
    Pat Loboyko: Not much of a fan of this guy, either. Some interesting details, though.

    I notice that only one of the above worked on the Changeling corebook, and that only Hepworth and Loboyko have earlier experience with the gameline. What prompted these particular choices – and, more importantly, is Jeff Holt unavailable?

    • Both Pat Loboyko and Andy Hepworth worked on the core CtL and just about every game book in the line. (If you don’t like them I wonder how you felt about Lost’s visuals at all since they were so ubiquitous.) Chris has done 8 million beautiful pieces for WoD including signature work on Victorian Vampire. MJ has equally done tons of work for WW over the years, including CtD, and he has a nice take on the steampunk look. Cathy’s ability to portray elegance will fit in well for the upper-class Victorians. So a bit of old, a bit of new.

      • For me, the foremost CtL artist has always been Jeff Holt, with Saana Lappalainen as a close second. Stephanie Pui-Mun Law is among my favourites, too, though she only did two covers.
        (Incidentally, I just realised that my favourite illustration in Winter Masques was done by Loboyko. Funny, that.)

        Either way, I really look forward to seeing the art for this book, Shy’s contributions in particular. Any word on who will do the cover?

  2. Speaking as a GM, I find that google hangouts is absolutely fantastic for gaming. You can share things on your screen (pictures, documents, rule sheets, etc), you can see everyone, the screen changes. Top notch for a gaming session.

    We also use the chat room for silly and OOC dialogue (helps keep the tone while allowing people to blow off steam and joke), as well as for long extended rolls (freeing up game time while someone is researching or performing ritual magic).

  3. Book of Nod (V:tM), Revelations of the Dark Mother: Seeds from the Twilight Garden (V:tM), The Silver Record (W:tA), Chronicle of the Black Labyrinth: A Forbidden Tome of Wyrmish Lore (W:tA), The Fragile Path (M:tA), Days of Fire (D:tF), Hunter: Apocrypha (H:tR), The Erciyes Fragments (V:DA) … and any others I’m thinking of? Was there ever a Changeling prop book?
    Some could make for interesting phone apps, 😉

    Speaking of apps, might I also suggest an official White Wolf NWoD/CWoD dice roller for Droid/iPhone? Perhaps it would be free, but you can purchase official wallpapers, custom dice, etc. for each? Plus have it set up so that it updates and gives adds for, or updates on upcoming products? (And, thus, you have your captive audience. 😉 )

  4. I’m excited to see Geist 1.1 continue to move forward. Several of my players enjoy Geist a great deal but came into it late and didn’t have the chance to acquire a hardcopy at market value.

      • Post on the general forums or even mention it in the Exalted IRC channel. There are more than a few professional developers around the fanbase that would probably be interested in taking on minor or major work for a reasonable fee.

        • Actually, I have a friend who’s worked with some local app developers on some Droid/iPhone apps. Unfortunately I don’t know anyone personally who does. However, I can try to forward you some contacts if you’d like.

          I gotta agree with Odd_Canuck that there are probably a lot of fans out there willing to do lots of stuff for you guys if you just ask, and there’s gotta be some folks with app coding experience.
          Then again, with the CCP folks, I think I figured there might be some folks there who might be up for that sort of project too. I don’t think it’d be fair to take projects out of the hands of current/former WW/CCP folks who could use the work, but if there are any projects out there you’d like help with, the fan base is pretty big out here, and I’m sure some folks would be thrilled to be a part of a project for you guys. 🙂

  5. Now, I know this may sound inappropriate but
    any word on doing what you did for Mage with Imperial Mysteries,
    with Requiem? Shed some light on the Methuselahs perhaps?

  6. IM excited about the artists for VL, all, but in particular C.Shy, are big faves of mine. Good job on selecting them. Also super excited about the NOD app, cant wait!


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