Haters Gotta Hate

Meeting Notes

  • Mike Chaney asked me about the quote for the back cover of the print-on-demand edition for V20, which means that it’s very close to going out to the printer for a proof.
  • Rich talks to me about setting up the wiring in his upstairs office, because his current one is getting too cold for him. We talk a bit about the tax break you get in the US for home office space.
  • Rich is also going to try to get Strangeness in the Proportion to the PoD printer for proofing today as well. We also talk about the other novel, Silent Knife, and consider how people will react to these two very different styles of prose. But Strangeness is number one on DriveThruFiction, and has gotten two 5 star reviews!
  • We talk a little bit about potential artists for Victorian Lost, and I mention that I have a couple of first drafts in early.
  • Rich has reached out to Ron Spencer for Werewolf 20th.
  • I mention that our hater on Wikipedia is still trying to claim that we’re non-existent (and if we are, who’s paying my checks?) And naturally, discussion of haters reminds us that we need to check with in Justin on V20 Companion.
Today’s Reason to Drink:

On December 5, 771, Charlemagne becomes the sole King of the Franks, after his brother Carloman dies.

8 thoughts on “Haters Gotta Hate”

  1. I kind of like the implication in “speaking of haters, anyone heard from Justin?”. Also, thumbs up for Ron Spencer. I’m not a Werewolf man(I wish), but I enjoy his art in Magic: the Gathering.

  2. You teases 😉 mentioning Victorian Lost with no details. How long do I have to wait until I know if it includes Alice’s Adventures in Wonerland and expanded social rules (not social combat, more along the lines of building relationships and tracking the rise and fall of reputation across a season of balls, gossip and mad tea parties)


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