Hey, Where's That Justin?

Hey folks, just wanted to share with you the fact that our developer is still alive, still working on the V20 Companion, and is just really busy with his new job and getting his family situated in Dallas. He and I talked last night to prep for this and much like our Monday Lunch meeting notes there was a fair bit of joking and goofiness before we talked business. Some highlights:

– As we started Justin had to move into another room because his wife and daughter were sword fighting; one with an epee and one with a flashlight. Like you do.

– He’s continuing to work nights and weekends to pull the V20 Companion manuscript together, which is actually in better shape because of the excellent feedback you folks all gave him with the Open Dev blog. Thank you all. Hids first draft will probably be about a week late in total, but that’s an internal concern and should be caught up on with the final draft.

– We talk about his new job in Dallas and the advantages of a faster iteration schedule.

– V20 Companion will have five or six chapters- if a sixth Justin intends to use it to explain why certain design decisions were made and give it a “making of” feel that celebrates the Open Dev conversations he had with folks. That’d be an appendix- do you think there’s value in that, ladies and gentlemen of the infrawebs?

– As we must, we pour one for our friends as they continue job searching.

– I let him know I’m trying to get Steven Stahlberg to do the cover- an absolute illustration legend- and Chris Shy and Ken Meyer, Jr for interior art. I haven’t asked them yet, though, so shhhh. Also, I’ll be selecting the very best art that we ran out of room to republish in V20 itself and finding places for it in this tome.

– Justin tells me his apartment is a big, empty cave since his possessions are being held by customs in Houston as they try and enter the US from France.

– He’s gung-ho to start the Open Dev process for Children of the Revolution- but please, only after the explosion of crazy his life currently is settles down.



11 thoughts on “Hey, Where's That Justin?”

  1. Yes yes yes on a “behind the scenes” appendix/chapter. One of the attractions of the Open Dev process has been the ability to weigh in to some degree or another and provide feedback as the content is produced and choices have yet to be made; in contrast, a look behind the scenes after the fact may help explain the thought processes behind the final decisions. If that additional chapter expressed, for instance, the philosophy or the practical concerns behind a particular element of the book that might be controversial or that commonly trips up gaming groups when they first apply rules or setting material to their game, that might help STs and players alike.

    I am blessed with a fantastic group of intelligent and generous fellow players who are eager to try to understand different perspectives on the same material but not every group is and even we are sometimes left with no option but to scratch our heads at something written fifteen years ago. Any text that sheds light on the why is a good idea.

  2. I agree on the “making of” chapter.
    Even if it only leads to STs and Players to think “Ah, that’s the reason this and that is done this way. I do not agree, so lets make it a different way in our game” it is a huge bonus. I appreciated such development notes (and plot hooks explanations for the ST) in sidebars of “Black Furies” revised a lot and also liked the small essays of “How the developers play and why they like it, the way it is” like in 1st Edition Werewolf Storytellers Handbook’s Appendix. So I’d love to see some info of that kind for Vampire, too. Appendix of V20 Companion seems a good place for it.

  3. First instinct was “What would be losing pages for this appendix?”, but upon consideration, I think I’d like the appendix itself more than any content it would displace. So this is another yes to the appendix vote.

  4. Not surprisingly, another yes for the dev.notes chapter here. We’ve certainly seen some great discussions and ideas here and it’d be a shame to see al that go to waste. Besides, some of the angles chosen might seem less logical without the extra info?
    If nothing else, the capter might encourage others to join the open dev proces…

    @Justin: Try and relax a bit if possible… I know what it’s like to hussle two jobs (sort off) and manage an earthquake in your private life as well. No small feat. Properly timed glasses filled with appropriate levels of strong alcohol seem to help. As do old David Bowie albums coupled with dancing in underwear.

    @Richt: Godspeed to all those looking for jobs there… Losing a job you love must be shattering. Repeat the strong alcohol advice here. Not so sure about David Bowie though.

  5. Pingback: Anonymous
    • Oh he is, all right- but he’s posting on the Children of the Revolution blog right now. V20 Companion is almost in layout, so he’s not in active development on it. But keep watching, we have some exciting news about V20 Companion coming up sometime in the next week or so!


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