It’s Wednesday and Finally Monday Because of Tuesday Addams.

Yep, things spiraled out of control around here because I didn’t get to write these notes and get them up on Monday, like normal. First of all, with the new year I’ve followed up every Monday Lunch Meeting With Eddy with a second meeting consisting of folks who are helping Onyx Path move forward as a company- which is different than the Development and Art teams that work on each book or line.Β  We look more at the overall concerns for Onyx and right now, and for the past few weeks, we’ve been talking all the time about Marketing. Onyx Path wasn’t even announced until mid last year and that truncated what sorts of methods of information we had to use with all you great folks. As you might have noticed, we really only used social media like the WW Forums, various Facebook pages, my personal and OPβ€˜s Twitter feeds, the Kickstarter communication venues, the Onyx Path website and these blogs. Any interviews or announcements came out as they went live, and with only a skeletal plan. So one of my goals in 2013 was to get our Marketing moving in a cohesive and directed fashion that encompassed and directed what we were already doing with social media, but which also included demo teams at cons and prize support and maybe even parties. So there’s been a lot to discuss in these Monday OP meetings as we got things sorted out, and the meeting has ballooned from an hour to, on some Mondays like this last one, four hours. So, I ran out of time to write this up. And then yesterday I sent out the links for the KS Backers’ copies of the Werewolf the Apocalypse Twentieth Anniversary Edition PDFs and that started out taking most of the day and kept going as I wanted to respond to and pull together the Backers’ comments. We’re finding some errors and omissions (Thanks to our eagle-eyed Backers!) but by and large, and with great joy on our part, the vast majority of the comments are in praise of such a beautiful and huge book. Which feels really great, let me say! (The comments are still coming, but the flood eased up overnight.) And I ran out of time to write this up.

So here we are at last, and now the notes from my meeting with Eddy: We started with talking about the pros and cons of Adobe Reader. Right now, its looking good for PDF review, but I was concerned that some of the better features from Acrobat would be missed if I didn’t install Acrobat on my new β€œmain” computer. When I mentioned liking the pen tool in mark-ups for signatures and missed that in Reader, Eddy noted that there’s a HUGE HONKING BUTTON at the top right that says β€œSign”. I am so smrt.

In reference to the delivery of the W20 PDF I talked about how getting a preview copy out really helps us clean up those bits of info and errata that even a bunch of eyes and several proofing stages miss. This related to some of the very detail oriented comments that fans post during the Open Dev Process that catch things the writers and Dev gloss over as they pull together the work of several different writers into a coherent whole. This sometimes creates a funny dichotomy with a community member wondering β€œHow could they miss that bit that we talk about at almost every game session?”, and a Dev wondering β€œHow did they catch that obscure reference from a forum post in 2001?” Or words to that effect. The great thing is that what is really a complementary relationship can now be part of how we pull these projects together and the two kinds of game knowledge can be united to make the games better.

We talked, as we should, about CCP Approvals and got some thumbs-up on some art and projects, and at the time the 2013-2014 Schedule was still under review. But as of today, I can say that CCP approved our proposed projects through the end of 2014! Woot! One of my questions about that is whether to release any of the 2014 schedule before Gen Con of this year…maybe in sections? I need to talk to my Marketing guys! (After all, I already know your response: tell us everything!) (And actually, I don’t hide this info just to tease you all. We’ve learned over the years that things WILL change, and people seem to see announced schedules as promises of chunks of heaven and get real miffed when those changes take anything away. So it doesn’t pay to announce things too far out).

Finally, although its not a WW-focused thing, I let Eddy know that we’ve been having some great discussions about both Scion and the Trinity Continuum with their respective Dev teams and hope to have more to say on development progress soon. Is that info you folks would like me to include here like I do the WW properties- keep it all in one update a week?

And here are those WW projects now:

–Β  God Machine Chronicle (nWoD) is in Layout and most art has been CCP Approved, but a few redone art pieces are coming in. A proof is with Matt McFarland: gentleman developer.

–Β  Strix Chronicle Fiction Anthology (VtR) Strix is into Editing.

Mummy the Curse – The new Backer PDF is live and I’m waiting for a physical PoD copy to get to me and if it’s cool, we’ll go live on DTRPG. Still waiting on a cover template from the printer now that the final page count has been settled; we’ll get those files out to start the creation of the traditionally printed KS version. Chaney is working to get the Character Sheet Pack and Wallpaper rewards ready for Backers this week.

Exalted 3rd Edition:Β  Looks like this Kickstarter is happening mid-March now as we had a couple of delivery hiccups from our art folks- nothing that could be helped unfortunately, but things are still rolling and the art is looking sweet. We’re working on a new logo, I have a cartographer rendering the new map, and we’ve actually got a very cool soundtrack put together for the KS video. These things are just taking more time to pull together. The DEVs are currently head down and deep into the Charms section, getting together the text we’ll be teasing with Updates throughout the Kickstarter, and getting their vocal cords tuned for the KS video.

V20 Hunters Hunted 2:Β  New sections are getting written. Rather than tacking them on at the end, we’ll be adding a chapter before the Appendix as that just works better for the flow of the book.

– V20 Anarchs Unbound is almost done in post writing Development. Our editor is standing by for the files this week. You can check out the Storytelling chapter here:

Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition:Β  As I mentioned above, the W20 Backer PDF is out, and folks are loving it.Β  A little feedback from Backers as to their names while we arrange the PoD files, and then we’ll be prepping the Deluxe printer files. Mike Lee is three quarters-way through his novel.Β  The Storyteller Screen files will go off to press with W20 and I hope to get the Wallpaper out to Backers very soon. Bill is preparing the W20 Anthology outline and looking for prospective writers.Β  The Skinner is in Editing and Art Direction. The White Howlers Tribe Book is with a writer (if you want to know who, bug Stew Wilson).

Deluxe Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition has been confirmed for September-ish 2013 and Phil Brucato has started assigning writers and has started writing his part. Talking to a guy about the art. That guy: pretty excited about the art. Phil: also excited about writing the art descriptions for the full-page pieces of art.

– W20 Changing Breeds is in Editing.

W20 Rage Across the World: Most of the art is in but a bit continues to trickle in.

– Guildhalls of the Deathless (MtC) is being written.

Conventionbook: Progenitors (cMtA) is done in Editing, art is going to CCP for approval.

Mage Translation Guide is being written, we have an Editor ready.

W20 Book of the Wyrm is being written and red-lined. Check out the W20 blog notes:

Reason for Drinking: W20, at least in PDF form, has seen the light of day finally, and the WW 2013-2014 Schedule has been approved. This is a huge thing as it means we can plot out the next year and a half. It will be…glorious!

45 thoughts on “It’s Wednesday and Finally Monday Because of Tuesday Addams.”

  1. Nooooo. Onyx Paths tweet got me so excited over Exalted news…but it’s a delay. Sad reality of the business, but man it’s like getting socks for Christmas. Hope it all comes together soon.

  2. Gah! I’m super excited for the Exalted KS. I’ve been madly refreshing the blog waiting for the update. Now I’ll have to wait another week!

    I’d love to see Scion and Trinity Universe included here. No reason to split it up. I hadn’t heard much about Trinity before Onyx Path. But I’ve checked it out and seems really cool.

    And of course we’d love you to give us the rest of the release schedule. Maybe just teasing us with hints for next year. But it would be nice to know what’s coming for the rest of this year at least.

    As always, keep up the good work! OP has renewed my love of role playing and that has got me back in contact with old friends too.

  3. we’ve been having some great discussions about both Scion and the Trinity Continuum with their respective Dev teams and hope to have more to say on development progress soon. Is that info you folks would like me to include here like I do the WW properties- keep it all in one update a week?

    I can’t speak for the rest of these folks, but I would very much like it included, please. aTdHvAaNnKcSe!

    And I’m bummed about the Exalted KS getting pushed back again, but I understand. And it gives me a reason to use the nickname on that book’s credits page that I realized too late I should’ve used for Mummy.

      • Giant robot vampire game? What? Am I missing some crucial link, so important information?
        Although I’ve known two people who ran V:tM / Shadowrun (3rd ed) crossovers, one centred around ghouls the other vampires, it was fun in a Michael Bay let’s think too hard about it kinda way.
        I hope Giant Robot Vampire doesn’t push back the release of Monkey: the Flinging :p.

  4. I’m loving the W20 pdf so far! It’s going to be a hard wait for Mage20 now…. Here’s hoping Wraith and Changeling get the same 20th anniversary treatment!

    Here’s another vote for as much of the release schedule as you can reveal as soon as you’re able to reveal it! I want to know what I’m gonna be looking forward to πŸ˜€

  5. Ok, I know that you have to check with your Marketing People first, but I think it would be best if you at least updated the release schedule on the Onyx Path site up through whatever month it’s currently sitting at. Especially since many of those books are likely going to get moved back because of the various scheduling snafus.

    I mean, as an example, it still lists Arms of the Chosen coming out this month and I doubt you’ll be releasing that book before the Exalted Core KS even goes live, let alone before the Core actually comes out.

    • …Actually looking at the release schedule, it might be better to restructure it as just a list of everything you’re publicly working on with a progress bar underneath, rather than saying “Product X is probably being released in month Y, maybe.” You’re already kinda doing that, so it seems like it should be simple to just strip out the dates and replace them with, say, gameline headers.

      • I like this idea as well. Since we know that dates will likely shift, just give us the percent-status per book as broken down by gameline. That was you could say “these items are tentatively scheduled for 2014 release” and then give a highlighted “Coming Soon” section for the ones most likely to finish in the next quarter.

        • +1 to this idea. I think this would help to make people somewhat less antsy over the schedule.

          In addition, I think it would be worthwhile to include a guideline of what each percentage progress ‘means’ on the page. This seems to be a significant source of confusion among a lot of people.

      • I don’t think just using the progress bars will work either. Silent Knife was at 87.5% progress for two days before being published. Mummy: the Curse has been at 87.5% progress for two months, and still hasn’t been published.

        I’m not too picky about Onyx Path getting stuff published on time, but it’s still disquieting to go to the Release Schedule and see this huge list of stuff that was supposed to be published over the previous six months. I for one don’t care much about getting to look at the 2014 schedule, when the schedule for this year is still so unclear.

        • Good point Bolverk- one of the reasons we had a gap of info there was because we had to adjust 2013 to do 2014, and we had to have some idea of what we were planning for 2014 in order to go back and try and set new realistic release times in 2013. And we had to get everything OK’d by CCP. Ian is chomping at the bit to get the new dates up there for 2013, and I expect the whole page to be massively overhauled by the time he’s done.

  6. Which of the Mummy books are going to be next after Guildhalls? Book of the Deceived or one of the kickstarter goodies such as the Necropolis books?

  7. In answer to your question about keeping all it (being WoD and other WW rpg stuff) here updated once a week, I say yes. But.

    It is easier for you to do it once a week in one big chunk, or is it easier to do WoD on one day, Scion/other stuff on another?

    • Right now, we’re already too fragmented in how we get info out, and I don’t have time for two blogs a week, so I’d say later on if the schedule demands it.

      • Well, as you can see people are pretty positive about how things are progressing. So I think you’re going in the right direction. If one big chunk works for you, run with it. πŸ˜€

        One constant trickle seems to be working: enough to keep interest without overly inflating expectations.

  8. Yes please. Scion and trinity updates here would really be great. And thank you for W20. The book covers all I hoped it would, and then some. πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to have time to read it in depth.

  9. “You raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, sir. Bravo!”

    I’ve been going crazy waiting for the monday update but that was disappointing. However I’d much rather you too the extra time to make it that much more awesome then have to shove it out months ahead of schedule and then write another 200 pages of errata.

    • Sorry to have raised and dashed. Not the intention. This is the most transparent we’ve ever been in updating on a weekly basis the ups and downs of making RPGs, so you folks are getting ringside seats on how these things have always happened. This is why we had fist-sized holes in the walls of all of our old WW offices, why the Flight of the Bumblepen occurred (angry editor, thrown pen through room, explosion as it hit wall), and why we all have PTSD after several decades doing this. πŸ™‚

    • Rose is working on it pretty steadily amongst her many projects. No real news yet, but I’ll let you know when a major milestone is reached.

  10. Speaking of Kickstarter communication venues, it’s hard to find your projects there. None of them are on the new #RPG tag AFAIK, and putting “White Wolf”, “Onyx Path”, “Vampire: the Masquerade” in the search function yields no results. Some are tagged “Games” and others are tagged “Tabletop Games”.

    • Onyx Path works for me when I search, but yeah- that #RPG is new so we haven’t used it yet, and the categories have changed as we have created these this last year. We’ll keep posting to whichever category they give us that makes sense, but your best bet is to follow us on Twitter, check out our FB page or website, or just read this blog once a week.

      • Are you sure it works? Typing in “Onyx Path” shows some unrelated projects with “onyx” in them, but hitting enter gives no results. I know now about this site and the OPP FB page, but I was thinking about old time fans who may have just heard word of mouth about “White Wolf doing projects on Kickstarter” and possibly not knowing about OPP.

  11. If you give us the 2014 schedule in chunks before Gencon, ok go for it…but if Wraith 20th Edition is on the table tell us a soon as possible. πŸ˜› I have to know if I’ll see my most beloved setting getting an update.

  12. Well I for one don’t mind the “after effects” of the hype over at the WW/Exalted forums. It’s been crazy waiting for the update, why not have fun while we’re at it :))

    Extremely excited for how Ex3 will turn out. We love what you’re doing and understand why you keep pushing the dates until perfection :)) Thanks for the handwork and the open communication, that’s unique.

    But I wouldn’t mind if you’d *decide* to do the Exalted KS earlier than middle-March you know πŸ˜›


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