John Carter of Venus. Wait, no, Mars.

Meeting Notes

  • Pollen has fallen in Atlanta. I’m still groggy from the allergy meds.
  • Rich’s flu is about over, but a LOT of people in his area came down with it at about the same time. Weirdly, his kids didn’t get sick.
  • We talked John Carter. We both really liked it. I see his point on how Woola should have been a monster that turns out to be a dog, but I admit that I’m biased by his pug-like looks.
  • Discussion about schedules.
  • Werewolf Translation Guide should be out soon.
  • V20 Companion is going into layout, and information collection from the Kickstarter.
  • I talked a bit with Rich about the future of the Blogcast. Hopefully we’ll have something concrete in a while, but it’s pretty low priority to other things going on.
  • Rolling into the Victorian Lost layout.
  • LOTS of PoD proofs coming in for Rich’s approval. Geist 1.1 might be in that box.
  • Falling Scales proof problems, but they’re sorted out now.
  • Blood Sorcery writing is done, and it’s making its way to editing.
  • W20 still going forward. Some good conversation on the sketches. Rich is hearing from the artists that things are moving forward.
  • Mummy is also still moving forward in Colin’s hands.

Today’s Reason to Drink: We haven’t yet been killed by our trees.

10 thoughts on “John Carter of Venus. Wait, no, Mars.”

  1. Mmmmm… waiting hourly for more W20 morsels. Things seem to have gotten quiet on the fronts from the writers/contributors/staff after asking questions, so I think some feedback has stalled because we’re uncertain what information is actually useful, and what’s already outdated. When you guys are no longer seeking input on something, PLEASE post that you thank us for the responses, any insight you may have gotten (acknowledgement that we’ve helped so we know what worked and what didn’t) and let us know that we can stop “contributing” to an unlistening statue where once there was a god? 😉

    Also, I think that we really need a unified place to direct comments for questions you, Rich and others ask, regarding W20, V20 and even Kickstarter questions.
    Case in point: Rich asked us to respond back with our thoughts about W20 and future kickstarters… I’ve seen responses directly in the post, on the general KS comments, in the forums, on Twitter, on Facebook…. there’s no link or direction where the comments should be made to. Similarly for W20, or other Open Development projects. Even if you guys are seeing all of the replies, the rest of us are all talking through different avenues and missing the rest of the conversation. Is there a way to funnel the answers to questions to a single, or more limited number of locations? Maybe each “question” has a link for responses that leads to a stickied thread in the forums? Just a thought.

    I’m sure you guys are swamped and working hard with low-staffing, heavy work-loads, tight deadlines, and tighter budgets (I don’t envy your Georgian carpets of pollen), but you’ve got us out here reaching out to help. If there’s anything you guys need, reach out and see what is offered–we’re fans, not just consumers. In a cyber world where companies see “responses=hits=captive audience”, we are here because we love the products and the company and we’re willing to help not only for selfish reasons (always wanted to work at/with White Wolf for 15+ years), but because we believe that you guys can and do produce fantastic games and stories. Keep up the good work and always remember we’re here for you too. 🙂

    Also… ever thought about doing something like a “Deviant Art contest”, not only to promote products and encourage productivity, but also to find new artists and fans? Maybe “Design this month’s World of Darkness Wallpaper, and get $25 gift certificate at DTRPG”, or “Have the piece published in the back of the next book” something. Heck, even compile a downloadable PDF book of “The Best of Fan Created Art for World of Darkness” or a calendar (ordered through a PoD company) of NWoD by the fans, selected and decided upon by Rich and the crew. — Again, ways of getting the creative folks who’ve always wanted to contribute to be a part of something “official” and recognized, but not necessarily having you guys do much work other than judging the entries.

  2. Great ideas Torakhan!!! Deviant art is a great ST resource for me, until my computer picked up a trojan virus from that site.

  3. I have a specific question about Blood Sorcery:
    You stated previously that the new book will allow Sorcerers a more open approach (instead of a number of fixed rituals-but that´s my guess) a la Mage

    So will it allow us to create spells treating Cruac and Theban like Arcana (like Fate+ Forces+Cruac = Spell) ?

    This would -in consequence open the door for more Mage/Vampire crossover…

  4. Oh, almost forgot, John Carter of Venus is now considered one of the biggest flops in the history of film making 😉

  5. @badmojojojo Yeah, if only it hadn’t made almost $200M so far it might have been a failure (then again, it’s no Pluto Nash!) It hasn’t done well in the US, but it’s done well over-seas, it seems. No telling yet if it’ll be financially successful until the DVD comes out in a few months (I’m guessing at the end of Summer.)
    The movie suffered from a few levels: A story that has been plundered so heavily over the last 100 years that everything “fantastic” in it seems stolen from other movies/books (which is sort of the opposite), a terribly mis-managed advertising/marketing campaign on so many levels, and the movie itself wasn’t terribly amazing (though it wasn’t necessarily that bad either.)
    The few who knew who/what John Carter was are enthralled and gleeful that it’s on the big screen, and the rest of us just scratch our heads and ask “is this all $250M gets you these days?” I gave the movie an 80% on Rotten Tomatoes.

  6. Hehe, was that a vague reference to “The Happening” at the end of the blog post?

    Or are your allergies that horrible, Eddy?


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