This past week, we got an email from a guy who found a particular resonance in Promethean. He’d been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome (a form of high-functioning autism), and his story of how he’d struggle for years to fit in with people struck us as particularly poignant. You can read the email here.
If you don’t know, in my day job I’m a speech-language pathologist (or speech therapist) for the Cleveland school district. Over the years I’ve had occasion to work with a lot of folks on the autism spectrum, both high and low functioning (and even that’s an oversimplification, but I don’t have all night), and it’s often struck me how much deliberation goes into learning social interaction – something that those of us who aren’t on the spectrum kind of take for granted.
But what that tells me is that empathy can be learned. Maybe it comes easier for some folks than others, but you can teach yourself to feel and care for other people. The Monkeysphere might only hold 150 people comfortably, but you can stretch it.
Prometheans are, in part, that struggle in a metaphorical kind of way, Naturally the Great Work isn’t just about empathy, it’s about a lot of other facets of being human, too. But you know me: I’m a humanist, and I’m kind of an optimist, so that lesson of learning how other people work tends to show up in the Pilgrimages of my players’ characters.
Anyway, I just thought that was cool and worth sharing.
Now, for Tuesday’s update, would you prefer:
Milestones or qashmallim?
It’s a close call, but I’d have to vote for Milestones.
Qashmallim ftw. 🙂
Milestones, and may everyone who votes for qashmallim curse my name if we win.
Qashmallim! Some of my favourite parts of Promthean.
Qashmallim. I’m already cursing you, Arc.
I’d once made the case for Promethean as the autism metaphor to go alongside Changeling’s PTSD and Wraith’s depression. Interesting to see that come up again.
Glee. I am filled with [i]glee[/i] at this.
I mean, I love y’all, but I gotta get my kicks somewhere.
Well, whatever floats your boat down the Styx, I guess. Christmas Krampus curses for you, and I’m voting for Qashmallim.
Qashmallim because the mystery of how they are (not) related to the God Machine interests me
Seriously? Some focus on why Promethean is awesome might go better.
For this reason, Quashmalim.
Qashmallim, though I don’t mind hearing about either. So I won’t be cursing anyone near Christmas, thank you.
I’ll vote for milestones, but I really just wanted to leave a comment of appreciation. It’s really cool to hear Michael share his experiences, and to see the game touch people on a personal level. Thank you for sharing that in turn, Matt.
Qashmallim, esoteric weirdness yesplz.
I’m going to vote for Qashmallim.
Also wow, that email tugged at my heartstrings. I’m going to need to take a minute, then I’m going to share it!
Oof, rough choice.
Going with the qashmallim for the same reason as BlitzKitty.
Qashmallim! One of my favorite aspects of Promethean
Aspies unite! Good show, Michael.
I’ll have to go with Milestones here.
Unite indeed. Thank you for articulating much of what I feel also, Michael.
Milestones too.
Wow, two updates in a row that are big on the feels! Thanks to you Matt, and who ever wrote that email, for sharing and giving us a little look into your lives. It makes me happy to know that we work in parallel fields and reflect upon the same humanity that we observe in our down time.
Tough call for the choice, but Qashmallim will win for me almost every time.
Qashmallim please!
qashmallim, please
My vote goes to qashmillim
Milestones, please.
Milestones. at this point, I’m more interested in learning what makes Prometheans tick.
Milestones for me, please.
And that letter… I think I may have a reached a milestone of my own, methinks.
Qashmallim. Will they be brought in line with the new spirit rules?
Milestones, man.
As much as I’d love more information on the qashmallim I have to vote for milestones.
Thanks for sharing that message. Its amazing to see how much we can learn from each others’ experiences.
Amazing email… and referencing the monkeysphere hypothesis by David Wong!
milestones !
Qashmalim, please
Milestones please.
ugh, tough. I want both…
but I guess I’ll vote for Qashmallim.
Another aspie here; I’ve found the language and terminology of Promethean very useful to communicate with my gaming group – particularly using Torment as a way to explain what it’s like when “I’m feeling overstimulated by my surroundings, I’m going into a meltdown, so excuse me for a little while as I retreat to somewhere familiar/comforting until it passes” happens.
My troupe is a really wonderful hodge-podge of individuals who fall right around Asperger Syndrome on the Autism Spectrum (not to mention various gender-queer, LGBT and other qualities that are ‘outside the norms’ of society… Whatever THAT means), and we mine Promethean for all we can in terms of finding ways to describe who and what we are.
Despite the easy assumption that the New Dawn is a metaphoric ‘healing’ of anything outside the ‘neurotypical’ or ‘hetronormative’ or what have you, I think that the game offers avenues to explore what acceptance really means. I’m glad I’m not the only one to do.
I’d like to see more on the qashmallim please.
First off, I would like to commend you for the Velveteen Rabbit image. I always thought the little guy is a great Promethean idea.
Second off, I’m voting for milestones. And I curse Arc anyway! Cursing is fun.
If the Quashmalim win, can we also hear about how they interact with other antagonists to tie Promethean chronicles together? Would seem like a necessary part of selling crossovers, too.
Thanks for having shared Michael’s experience, it’s very touching.
I have Asperger’s Syndrome, and an essay I wrote about my experiences will be in the Winter 2015 issue of my university’s student and alumni magazine, At Buffalo.
Qashmallim, please.
I vote for Qashmallim!