Let’s Get MYTHIC! [Monday Meeting Notes]

MMN – MYTHIC Meeting Notes Blog!

Beeeecauuuuse: Scion‘s Mythic Shards‘ crowdfunding campaign starts on BackerKit tomorrow, Tuesday the 16th, at 2pm EDT! Hoohaaa!

The prelaunch link for the BK campaign is below in the Crowdfunding section of The Blurbs! If you’re interested in the campaign, signing up to be notified is a great way to be sure you’re alerted when it starts!

Plus, the sooner you have pledged, the sooner you can start reading the sections of the text that our conscientious Concierge, James Bell, will send your way all through the campaign! As we’ve done for many years now, this is the almost complete text, and backers get all of it, pretty much, by the time the campaign is over thirty days from tomorrow.

I say pretty much, because we do have some extra material, maybe even additional Shards, that we’d be thrilled to add to the book if the campaign really takes off. As is, it’s a fantastic and imaginative look at alternate worlds and the Scions in them, but adding more Shards would just be the cherry on top! (Don’t worry – we’re not gonna let the book get too big as has happened in the past – we have plans for even more added material and how we’re going to deliver that to backers!)

We also have other, non-text Stretch Goals that will open up all sorts of options at your table, including something we’ve sort of done before but not quite like in this campaign – if we get there Stretch Goal-wise!

Intrigued? Well, here’s a pre-campaign message from one of the devs responsible for this exciting volume, Kim Godwin

The day is almost upon us for the launch of Scion: Mythic Shards. There’s a lot of cool new information packed into this sourcebook and with your help, we’ll be able to expand the existing shards and add more! It’s been an exciting process to see the book form from an outline. If you can support the project even just sharing the link wherever your gaming groups dwell helps us a great deal. If you back the project, please talk about it with the Onyx Path community wherever you can. Our writers did an excellent job bringing these shards to life.

No matter what the World looks like, Scions will always answer the call to do whatever they think is right – be it claustraphobic shadow alleys or an endless expanse of wasteland or the depths of outer space. It’s almost time to climb into your mecha and don a cape and rise to the call!

Realms of Pugmire art by Navela Studio

On Twitch this week there are two, two special events:

First, here’s what Hiromi is doing before the campaign launches – and right into the start:

Tomorrow at noon Eastern, we’ll be kicking off the Scion: Mythic Shards campaign on Backerkit with a stream on our Twitch channel, featuring Scion‘s Creative Lead Hiromi and some of Mythic Shards‘ writers. They’ve been teasing all of the cool features of the book for the past few weeks, and you’ll start getting much bigger spoilers soon. During the kickoff stream, the team members will talk about the cool things they created. Additionally, we’ll be able to talk about some of the upcoming stretch goals, so that folks can have an idea of some of the cool stuff they can get as part of the campaign.

Later in the week, there’s a high-octane, pedal to the metal Actual Play through our post-apocalyptic Scion Mythic Shard:

The world has ended. All apocalypses came to pass. The gods are dead.
Yet humanity is fighting to survive and one thing is for sure, as long as one last human being draws breath divinity perseveres. As people band together, defend their rare wells, grow crops and brave the sand storms, new Scions emerge. Some of them are chosen by split of aspects of former gods, some are the reincarnation of dead deities, and some contracted their legend like a sickness via divine raditation from the Worlds many wounds. And with the thrones of the overworlds empty a race to the top begins.

Will we bring a new age and beginning to the World or it‘s doom and witness it‘s last heart beat?

Join us for our introduction to Scion Mythic ShardsAfter the End on Wednesday 17th of July, 2 pm EST / 8 pm GMT +2 on twitch.tv/theonyxpath

M20 Weird Wonders art by Michael Gaydos

Swole Is The Goal

I just can’t remember what meeting somebody said this in, it wasn’t today’s Monday Meeting, but I wrote it down for some reason. So it gets “Secondary Headline” status this week!

But since a large part of our meeting today was all about flexing our creative muscles, it makes sense in a belabored metaphor sort of way, I guess.

Obviously, a huge part of that flexing and stretching has been our return to the horror genre with Curseborne. The gang at the Onyx Pathcast went through a lot of questions and comments about the info in the Curseborne Ashcan, and that episode went live just this last Friday, so you can give that a listen for answers and, even better, more questions!

Plus, if you look below you’ll see that the Curseborne Ashcan will be on sale on Wednesday on DTRPG; now in both PDF and PoD versions! There’s also another Curseborne related item going on sale that we’ll be announcing Weds, so keep your eyes open for it!

But before those awesome items become available, we’re going to be using the Onyx Pathcast from last Friday as a jumping off point to deliver new info about Curseborne via blog posts starting this Tuesday, the 16th, and then every Tuesday and Thursday for the next couple of months!

Tuesday’s blog post will compile some of the info we’ve already delivered, but then move into whole new depths of material – and it’ll also provide readers with the link to the new Curseborne website where we transform our previous teaser site into something far more like a central hub of Curseborne material! Check it out after the blog goes up tomorrow – it looks great!

Well, spooky, but also great!

We’ll be adding more stuff to the site, particularly after the blog posts hit, but expect at least one new quiz, polls, and links to new videos. too!

As for all of our many, many previously published projects: the famous X-Mas in July Sale on DTRPG/Fiction/STV and Roll20 Marketplace starts this Thursday. Almost our entire catalog will be on sale for 2 weeks!

Realms of Pugmire art by Navela Studio

Lots of stuff! As an aside, when not orchestrating all this stuff, I’ve continued to run a group of adventurers through sessions in my Crossroads Continent setting for D&D 5e. Yep, every time I think I’m out, it pulls me back in! In this particular case, I’m running it for two of my original pre-turn of the century gaming group, and a bunch of our kids. I say kids, but they’re all in their twenties and have a wide experience with 5e, so it is sort of the bridging system between generations. (Pauses to wipe a sentimental tear from his eye.)

We’re having fun, which is the important part, but we’re also looking at the massive challenge involved in playing physical games, as per request of the players, when everybody is busy. We aim to get together once a month, some of the players coming from 1-2 hours away, and so after each session I write up a recap and send it to all the players so they have some sort of material they can use as a refresher before the next session.

Since I’m already doing that, I’ve been posting those write-ups, as well as campaign info and notes on both the campaign and the stuff behind trying to get the group together (on a lot of different levels) on a thread in the Crossroads Continent section of the Onyx Path forums. If you’re into that sort of thing, I hope you enjoy them!

Having fun, with all the variables and varieties of that word when it comes to gaming, is really, end of the day, what keeps us all exploring:

Many Worlds, One Path!



SCION MYTHIC SHARDS – Crowdfunding starts this Tuesday the 16th at 2pm EDT on BackerKit!


Onyx Path Media!

This week: Danielle interviews freelancers Hiromi and Michele about this week’s crowdfunding campaign, Scion: Mythic Shards!

As always, this Friday’s Onyx Pathcast will be on Podbean or your favorite podcast venue!

Please check out our attached media schedule for the videos on our Twitch channel this week! In particular, keep those eyes open for our Storypath Showcase, where we give an excellent profile of our various Storypath games and how to play them!

The Onyx Path News covers Squeaks in the Deep Companion, Curseborne,and Scion: Mythic Shards! Check it out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt_EdwzXn6s

Awkward GM Corbin is at it again, this time leaking a preview of the upcoming Scion: Mythic Shards! Check it out!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8paMFjgOYSQ

Virtual Tabletop!

DTRPG/Fiction/STV and Roll20 Marketplace X-Mas in July Sale starts on
Thursday. Almost our entire catalog will be on sale for 2 weeks!

The Monsters of the Deep Compendium with all of the monsters added to the They Came From Beneath the Sea! Compendium core, including Tokens for VTT play, will be on Roll20 and DTRPG this FOUR MORE DAYS!

They Came From Beneath the Sea! on Roll20 VTT!

The Scion: Origin and Scion Hero Compendiums are now available on Roll20!

Scion is just the start! They Came From Beneath the Sea! and other
Onyx Path RPGs are in development for Roll20 virtual tabletop!

The first of our official Scion sheets designed for Foundry VTT are
now available! https://foundryvtt.co

Looking for more virtual tabletop resources? We have a selection of
Tokens, Encounters, and more available now at DriveThruRPG! https://bit.ly/3SnrNJ7

Our Sales Partners!

We’re working with Studio2 to provide our traditionally printed books out into your local game stores. Game stores can order via their usual distributors, and can also contact Studio2 directly. And individuals can check out our projects via the links below!

Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books, dice, and screens? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/

Dog Days of Summer Sale is live on IPR:


As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles in PDF and PoD versions at DriveThruRPG.com!

DTRPG/Fiction/STV and Roll20 Marketplace X-Mas in July Sale starts on
Thursday. Almost our entire catalog will be on sale for 2 weeks!

Amazon and Barnes & Noble!

You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).

On Sale This Week!

Our first twisted vision of our return to Horror gaming, the Curseborne Ashcan, reveals its secrets and horrific adventure with Ready Made Characters this Wednesday on DTRPG with PDF and physical copy PoD versions available!


As we are slowly returning to attending conventions in person after avoiding them during the COVID-19 outbreak, keep an eye out here for more physical and virtual conventions we’re going to be involved with!

Keep an eye out for our books at:

GameHoleCon – Oct 17th – 19th


PAX Unplugged – December 6th – 8th


Game Night With Onyx Path Publishing at StartPlaying is the last Friday of every month! Come play some of our games that night! (But any of our game lines are welcome all day long!)

Here’s a link to give anyone $10 credit to play games on Start.Playing:


Please spread the word about GMing games as much as possible! Details on how list a game are at the bottom of the page in the FAQ:


Project Status Updates!

Our full list of projects will be available monthly on our blog! Check out June’s full list report here: https://theonyxpath.com/release-roundup-june-2024/


Here are the projects that moved to the next stage of production:

(Project Prep)

Trinity Continuum: Steam Wars – Steam Wars

  • Eddy: Matthew and I have been talking steam-powered mechs all week as we hammered on the outline, and then hammered on it some more when a boiler exploded. But now everything’s all ratcheted down, and we’re ready to stomp across the countryside in search of writers!


In Art Direction

  • Ex Essence Pillars of Creation – Sketch fixes and first round of finals incoming.
  • The World Below – Had an artist bail. Not a biggie, he was only doing 5 pcs… but now I gotta go hunt for someone to take those.
  • TCF RPG Anthology – If things go my way, sending out notes by end of the week 
  • SCION Mythic Shards (BK) – BackerKit page/graphics are ready!
  • SPU Rulebook (BK) – She’s contracting it out now.

In Layout

  • Pugmire 2e – Shooting to have this in first proof by Friday evening.
  • SCION Path to Apotheosis – With Dixie and should be in proofing by end of this week at the latest.
  • They Came From Classified Jumpstart – Going over to Ron Thompson.


  • M20 Victorian Weird Wonders and Revolutionary Magic – Second proof with devs.
  • TC Player’s Guide – First proof with devs.


  • Scion God

At Press

  • Reprints:
  • Scion Origin – Starting the trip over the seas to Studio2.
  • TC Core – Starting the trip over the seas to Studio2.
  • Exalted Essence Retail and LtD – Backer books at Studio2, shipping starting this week.
  • Ex Essence Screen – Shipping starting this week.
  • M20 Lore of the Traditions – Studio2 reports backer shipping done.
  • Ex 3 Exigents – Getting quotes.
  • Ex 3 Exigents Screen – Getting it quoted and prepping press files.
  • TC Aether – Getting quotes. PoD files uploaded.
  • TC Anima – Awaiting the proofs.
  • Ex3 Sidereals – I sent the layout files over to Dixie to put in the errata… as we need to get that out for indexing asap.
  • Ex Essence Jumpstart – Inputting errata correx.
  • Ex Essence Charm Cards – Setting up Backer PDFs.
  • Scion – No Gods No Masters – PoD proofs ordered.
  • TC Aether – PoD proofs ordered.
  • They Came From the Cyclops’s Cave – Proofs signed off on, should be printing.
  • They Came From the Cyclops’s Cave Screen 
  • They Came From CLASSIFIED – Proofs signed off on, should be printing.
  • They Came From CLASSIFIED Screen
  • Curseborne Ashcan – PDF and PoD versions on sale this Weds on DTRPG.

Today’s Reason to Celebrate!

Appropriate for talking about Scion Mythic Shards, today is the birthday Thomas Bulfinch, American mythologist in 1796. Bulfinch is known best as the author of Bulfinch’s Mythology, an 1881 compilation of his three previous works:

  1. The Age of Fable, or Stories of Gods and Heroes (1855)
  2. The Age of Chivalry, or Legends of King Arthur (1858)
  3. Legends of Charlemagne, or Romance of the Middle Ages (1863)

So even then, he was working on Shards!

4 thoughts on “Let’s Get MYTHIC! [Monday Meeting Notes]”

  1. Just received my M20 Lore of the Traditions and Victorian Age Mage deluxes, so happy, thank you all for this amazing gift, I cant wait to start using it at my table! Aside from its stretch goals, is this the last book for M20 that you have planned? If so it is a beautiful farewell.

    • Other than those remaining projects from a couple of crowdfunding campaigns, which should all be on the monthly projects list, we have had no further M20 projects OK’d by Paradox. So very glad you liked them!

  2. I received my copies of M20 Lore of the Traditions yesterday. It’s a beautiful and information packed book. Travis and his team did a fantastic job!


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