Long Time, No Spencer. So let’s Change That:

Ron Spencer has been full steam ahead with sketches and is now in create like crazy mode, so it’s a good time to show a few of the sketches. First, here’s the redo of the Bone Gnawer piece, with a fair number of minor alterations that really improve the piece. Please note that he did not incorporate every change suggested,Β  not even mine <sniff>,Β  but that’s exactly the freedom I’ve always wanted to encourage in our artists.

And then there’s this sketch, which I’ll let speak for itself- but I’d love to hear what you folks think:


23 thoughts on “Long Time, No Spencer. So let’s Change That:”

  1. I loved both! : D
    The can in the wolf paw, the rats, the guns… now this piece turned out as something amazing!
    And the last one screams Shadowlords with all their power and ferocity. Just loved it!

  2. Holy crap, nearly all of the changes I suggested for the Bone Gnawers piece were incorporated. That’s super-flattering. Thanks so much, Ron! It looks absolutely amazeballs now.

  3. Oh, I like the edited Gnawer MUCH better. I like the detailing on the lupus, making it look MUCH more like a Gnawer.

    As for the Shadow Lords… damn, that is cool.

  4. Very nice improvements on the Gnawer pic. Really brings out the “urban vigilante” aspect of the Gnawers that tends to get overlooked (at least, in the games I’ve played). And the little “trash” fetishes / decorations really bring home that feeling of living on humanity’s leftovers.

    As to the Storm Lords pic… one word: badass. πŸ˜€

  5. That image of Konietzko is quite possibly THE most BADASS image of a garou. EVER. I’d seriously love to buy a print of it when it is completed.

  6. The Bone-Gnawer piece is okay. It is, as with all the scenes discussed, a picturing of just one aspect of the tribe and sure, the urban vigilante thing is visible it could also be a picture of glaswalkers, if you turn the rats to roaches and adjust the girls clothing a bit. The scene itself isn’t bone gnawer specific.
    Still, it’s okay.

    The Shadowlord pic is also missing shadowlord specific. Remove the birds, turn the claive into an hammer and the tribe sybmol on the belt could easily be that of a Get of Fenris. There is some sheer power and ferocity in the picture, but there is no intrigue, no “The end justifies the means.”-attitude in the picture. Just a guy, posing, as one should if one were an Ahroun….

  7. The Shadow Lord sketch looks absolutely glorious and makes me forget about how legs of the woman in the Bone Gnawer sketch look unreal and distracting.

    • I hate to critique (especially Mr. Spencer’s work!) but anatomically, the girl’s thighs are a bit elongated compared to the placement of the kneecap and the length of her shins. Everything else looks amazing, and I really enjoyed sorting through all of the talens and fetishes in the BG picture =D

  8. They’re fantastic!

    I quite don’t get the critic about the BG lady’s legs. She’s obviously about to hoist her self on top of the pipe.

    • IMO, the length of her leg below the kneecap is significantly smaller than the length of the leg above the kneecap, that perspective doesn’t even begin to cover. Perhaps it’s just me, but it looks like she has the longest thighs in the world. πŸ™‚

  9. Oh my god I had no idea this project was going on!! πŸ˜€ I am -beyond- thrilled by finding this! And YAY RON!!!! I am full of glee knowing there will be new Ron Spencer WW:TA art!!! HOORAY!! XD

    • Heehee. I think I left you and Natasha (and others who were obviously influenced by W:tA) a message on FA about this a few months back. I’m glad you found it in time. πŸ™‚
      Spencer and other White Wolf artists inspired my drawing for years, so seeing the process is wonderful. I can’t wait to see more from Spencer, Prescott, and the rest.
      There is more over on the forums too where we’re discussing more W20 stuff.


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