Many More Bookshelves

Meeting Notes

  • Skype holding up well for Rich today.
  • Rich is in a new room. He has many more bookshelves now.
  • All W20 writers have contracts.
  • John Bridges and Ron Spencer working away on art for W20.
  • Imperial Mysteries is doing really well since it’s release.
  • I marvel at some of the cool bits in the new version of Skype, such as Rich appearing in a small window when I’m typing the meeting notes in my browser.
  • We talk a bit about how Victorian Lost is coming along. (It’s now in edits.)
  • We also talk about the role of sidebars, and how we’ve really reemphasized them in recent books.
  • We kick around the idea of adding a layer in PDFs that contains developer’s commentary. Something to consider for future products.
  • Within the week, the PoD for Falling Scales Chapter One SAS should be proofed. Rich is trying for the end of the month for the release.
  • Werewolf Translation Guide is in edits.
  • Mummy: The Curse is rolling along.

Reason to Drink: I’ve barely had time to think, let alone drink. Maybe next week.

14 thoughts on “Many More Bookshelves”

  1. Why is ‘Imperial Mysteries’ not available for hardcover print option? ‘Glimpses of the Unknown’ is 30 fewer pages and has a hardcover format.
    Hope this will be corrected. Thanks.

  2. This is the first I am hearing of Mummy’s splat name. I don’t know how I feel about that. I guess I will have to wait and see what the theme and mood of the game is.

  3. There was a lot I liked about Imperial Mysteries – but I was kind of shocked by the departure from a semi-gnostic model which rejected the postmodern theory-of-magic of Ascension and stated that there was a truth beyond subjectivity which the players could discover. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed the Invisible College approach of Unknown Armies and this is a cool look inside it, but it (frankly) wasn’t what I was hoping for when you threw back the curtain on Archmastery.

    I’m curious if you (or whomever) could shed some light on the thoughts behind taking it in that direction?

    • It’s a change in perspective, to be sure, but the Gnostic model holds – there is truth in the Supernal, which generates the Phenomenal. The line has hinted for a long time that the Supernal isn’t immutable, and that what is objective for the Fallen World can be changed by conditions there. We wanted to allow archmasters to attempt those changes, but there still isn’t a postmodern magick metaphysic – there’s no Consensus, for example, and the subjective filter over experiencing the supernal is something that’s applied by archmages in order to survive, not part of the “true nature” of higher reality. Ascension peels back that layer to reveal the truth again, and we hint at a deeper, more fundamental level than that. So, Gnostic, but with more than two layers – outside the cave, there’s a bigger cave. Normal Mages glimpse the Supernal and use higher truth to affect the Fallen World. Archmages glimpse Ascension and use it to affect the Supernal which then affects the Fallen World, and the Ascended..?


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