May The Odds Always Be In Your Favor

Meeting Notes

  • Lot of family stuff for Rich this weekend, between Easter and a bridal shower for his daughter on Saturday.
  • We both saw Hunger Games, and we both really liked it. Rich liked the art direction. I liked the elements of the first-person perspective in the cinematography.
  • Rich talked about a scary Rice Crispies cake that would not burn, no matter how much gasoline he put on it.
  • He has a few more contracts to get out today.
  • The 2012-2013 schedule should be pretty much sorted now. Info will come out about it soon.
  • The V20 Companion rewards are going forward. Rich almost had a heart attack over the quotes from the printer, but it got sorted out.
  • The Werewolf Translation Guide hardcopy proof should be coming to Rich Wednesday-ish. The moment he can confirm it’s accurate, it’ll go live.
  • Aileen working on layout on Victorian Lost.
  • Colin called Rich up to talk about some exciting ideas for Mummy.

Today’s Reason to Drink: Today is “Occupation of Denmark” Day, to commemorate the day when Germany invaded Denmark in World War II.

19 thoughts on “May The Odds Always Be In Your Favor”

  1. Is there anything more specific as far as a timeline for Victorian Lost? Even if it’s a ‘there are x many steps left before it’s ready’, it’d be wonderful to know where we stand. 🙂

  2. Eddy, can you just start making up stuff about Geist 1.1 so that Ted will feel like he’s accomplishing something with his robo-posting?
    Like, “It was already released, but only to those who deserved it.” Or, “You’ll have to talk to Frankie about it. I can’t give you his contact, or he’ll kill me, so you’ll need to go on a quest for that information. Your ST has the information, so if he says he doesn’t when you ask him, he’s lying. Just go along with it for the XP.”) 😉

  3. Geist 1.1- I’m waiting for another hard copy version of the PoD because I found errors in the tables where tabs had become un-tabbed. This seems to be an issue with some of the PDF->PoD conversions.

    Victorian Lost- Had some redos on the art, and still waiting for the full page Chris Shy pieces. And by waiting, I mean bugging him about them. Aileen has the text and the elements and is working on it.

    Blood Sorcery is up for art direction and is in or near editing. The Covenants book has been transmogrified into an entirely different sort of book for 2013. There will still be more in-depth info on them, but with a specific reason behind it. ‘Nuff said.

    Still planning on announcing the changes to the 2012 schedule that then lead into the 2013 schedule, but that announcement is part of another one, so…soon.

  4. Any idea when the W20 Kickstarter might be up? I know you guys said 1 month is the optimal time to raise funds, so are we talking July? August?


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