Unsurprisingly, this week’s media spotlight goes to the fine folks at the Polyhedron Podcast (of Metahedron Studios), as they’ve been doing a fine job hosting and producing a recent run of Trinity Continuum: Anima, with our very own Eddy Webb as the Storyguide!
This actual play was specifically designed to show off and make accessible the Anima universe. From episode to episode it covers different facets of the rules and setting, so it’s a perfect jumping-on point for anyone with questions about the game.
You can find every episode in audio form on the Polyhedron Podcast’s website, right here: http://metahedronstudios.com/polyhedron
But you can also find the episodes in video form on our YouTube channel!
Here’s the playlist: Trinity Continuum: Anima Actual Play Playlist
And here’s episode one: Anima Episode One
Don’t forget, if you have a review site, actual play, or any other kind of media relating to our games, you can get in touch with me over on matthewdawkins.com and let me know about it, so I can post it on our blog!