We’ve had a pretty long and very enjoyable relationship with the fine folks at Vorpal Tales now, and it’s time to check them out if, you’ve not already done so!
Vorpal Tales produce a fantastic array of actual plays of games not limited to ours, though obviously, their actual plays of our content are the best. You can find the entire library of their content on their website right here: https://vorpaltales.com/vt/
If you need some guidance on where to start with Vorpal Tales, we certainly recommend the following recaps:
Hunter: The Vigil –https://vorpaltales.com/vt/category/shows/terrifyingtales/hunterthevigil/
They Came from Beneath the Sea! AND They Came from Beyond the Grave! –https://vorpaltales.com/vt/category/shows/terrifyingtales/theycamefrom/
Deviant: The Renegades –https://vorpaltales.com/vt/category/shows/terrifyingtales/onyxpathdeviant/
The Contagion Chronicle –https://vorpaltales.com/vt/category/shows/terrifyingtales/contagionchronicle/
But if you want to plunge right into watching Vorpal Tales, the best thing you can do is follow and subscribe to their channel on Twitch right here: https://www.twitch.tv/vorpaltales
Don’t forget, if you have a review site, actual play, or any other kind of media relating to our games, you can get in touch with me over on matthewdawkins.com and let me know about it, so I can post it on our blog!