Back in the mists of ancient time, we had a regular lunch meeting on Mondays in which we would talk about what we were working on. It was called the Monday Meeting, because we’re original like that.
Slightly less time ago (maybe “distant time” instead of “ancient time” — I don’t have the manual with me right now), we had a company LiveJournal account. I would post the notes from these meetings on the LiveJournal.
Significantly more recently (let’s call it “last Friday”), Rich and I talked about the need to have a regular weekly meeting between the two of us to talk about the needs of CCP Transmedia/White Wolf. And thus was a legend reborn.
… but today I have a cold, so the jocularity will be toned down. I also haven’t had a chance to sort out what new format I’ll use for this just yet (although I do want to add in a product status update starting next week). We shall see. Anyhow, on to the notes.
- Rich and I talked about the V20 PDF rollout, and the fact that we really need to buy the folks at DriveThruRPG some serious liquor in appreciation. If you have questions about what’s going on with your PDF if you pre-ordered, this FAQ should help you out.
- Rich, Mike Tinney, Russell Bailey, and I played some Vampire: the Masquerade tabletop with some of the folks at Machinima.com at The Grand Masquerade, and a good time was had by all — so much that we’re looking to keep the chronicle going over Skype. This led to a conversation about the different play styles of the people in the group, and me getting around to editing together the snippets I managed to record of the session into an episode for my blogcast.
- We talked about the art notes for Dust to Dust and Strange, Dead Love, which Rich will art direct today.
- Rich had a chance to read over the Mummy bible, but I haven’t. We had some discussions about the direction of the game, which we need to filter out to the rest of the development team at some point this week to keep that conversation going.
- I’m going to start focusing on getting my administrative stuff all hammered out on Mondays, so I can get back to project work during the week. Of course, tomorrow I will probably stay home and be properly sick, so we’ll see how well this plan holds up.
- I don’t remember how this led to a discussion about Gina Bellman, but it did.
Monday meeting?!
I miss you guys. I demand more Bax Masterson.
The boys are back in town! w00t!
Yay monday meetings!
Kind of miss the weekly updates, but I miss more the weekly insanity and randomness it brings.
Good to see it’s all coming back.