Hi, gang,
So, not only is this my first WWblogs post, but it’s my first WordPress… well, anything of any kind, so I hope you’ll indulge me while I figure this interface out. In the meantime, it’s great to be here.
For those who don’t know me, my name’s C.A. Suleiman and I’m developing a Storytelling system RPG called Mummy: The Curse. It’s been a little while since the World of Darkness got itself a new core offering, and I couldn’t be happier to be shepherding this undead puppy through the process.
Fans of the classic World of Darkness might recall a game entitled Mummy: The Resurrection. That was the banner offering of the Year of the Scarab, and its core concepts revolved heavily around the metaplot that was spiraling itself toward the conclusion of all those classic game lines (a period called the Time of Judgment). I was the developer on those supplements, too, and that game remains pretty special to me, even a decade on.
That said, one thing I can tell you about this new vision of a mummy-focused roleplaying game is that it’s very, very different from the previous iteration. Resurrection was one of the few “bright spots” in the classic WoD, with protagonists who, while just as flawed as any other denizens of the setting, were the keepers of a special flame, and as such, fundamentally driven to act heroically.
Mummy: The Curse invokes a different set of aesthetics, themes, and motivations. Like the other new World of Darkness games, it’s about a return to the Gothic form of its archetype — a roleplaying experience that focuses on occult horror and dark pulp-fantasy. You play a mummy, just like you did in the archetype’s prior game iterations, but one unlike you’ve ever played before.
I’ll be posting more here as we get closer to the core set’s release later this summer, but I wanted to introduce myself and the game I’ve been dying to design since the new World of Darkness came out. This is a pretty exciting time for me, and I’m glad you all will be here to join me for the ride.
In the meantime, I leave you with a picture of a sketch an artist friend did on my arm a few days after I got confirmation from above that Mummy: The Curse would finally make the transition from a long-standing personal dream to the head-on reality of an exciting new game line.

Hey CAS! This sounds great – I can’t wait to see more!
Color me both impressed and intrigued. I look forward to seeing what you produce!
Hey, welcome to blogosphere ^-^
Thank you, Evelini!
While blogging is not my forte’, I confess, it’s very nice to be welcomed. Stay tuned to this page for updates on the game, and if you or any of your friends have any questions you’d like answered as we move closer to the release date, you can ask them here.
You’re always welcome. I posted about MtC in my blog, because most of my friends just can’t read in English, and if anyone have a question or comment about this game I’ll comment here, okay?
Sounds good! I’m working on my Portuguese, and I hope to meet up with all you guys the next time I’m down in Brasil, whether it’s for the encontro or just to visit. 🙂
Woo, can’t wait for this one. 😀
MtR was awesome! I know you’re planning on making MtC different, but I am really looking forward to it. I have full faith and confidence in you. Now, let the waiting (and watching) begin! 🙂
Thanks, Ariosto! And feel free to point your friends and fellow gamers to this blog, since this will be the only place to get updates on the game, aside from direct interviews and so on.
I don’t know how deep in the mechanical development this is, but I’d like to toss my two cents in & say– please base the powers on the x5/x7 mechanic! I do a lot of “cross platform” swapping with powers (sort of the Hunter: the Vigil style of generic monster building) & I like it when the mechanics are uniform across the lines.
Hi, Mordicai. The core set is already done. Game drops this summer. 🙂
I’m highly excited, but I suppose that’s dampened a bit by fear – MtR mummies were, in theory, the good guys. I haven’t noticed anything on the blog yet that mentions overplot, and I’m deathly afraid that MtC might do to mummies what Forsaken did to werewolves… complete and utter bastardization. MtR was easily one of the best games in Old World, and I’m clinging to the hope that my faith in White Wolf isn’t stomped on, yet again. Please be another Geist and not another Forsaken!