My Head Falling Off

Meeting Notes

  • Rich asks me about my ear problems (I’ve been having medical problems), and my pending vacation. He doesn’t want the side of my head falling off.
  • We’re working on a big announcement on July 15th.
  • I’m trying to find a way to get into the old office to get some W20 art for Aileen to scan.
  • Shards files for Exalted out to PoD printer now to get print approval.
  • Rich and I talked a little about what we’re going to do at Atlanta by Night. The answer is “we’ll worry about that after GenCon.”
  • I’m going on vacation from June 30th to July 15th. And by “vacation,” I mean “only checking email once in a while, and still having weekly meetings with Rich.”
  • Rich had a great talk with the guys at the Darker Days podcast.
  • This led into a discussion of the art and development of a new line vs. on a particular book (i.e., it’s much more simultaneous process than in a supplemental book).
  • Falling Scales #2: Finalizing layout.
  • Children of the Revolution getting close to early review.
  • Blood Sorcery is in editing, and sketches are coming in.
  • Matt McFarland is developing some new stuff, as is Russell.
  • There was a fantastic Exalted meeting between the principals involved about the bright future of that game line.
  • We close on us discussing some things we’ll need to record in the near future.

Today’s Reason to Drink: On June 26th, 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that gender-based sodomy laws are unconstitutional.

18 thoughts on “My Head Falling Off”

  1. July 15th? Damn. Too far away. *tries to make it July 15th now. Fails.* Damn.

    W20 artwork to scan?! Awesome! ๐Ÿ˜€ Hope that means we might see some other artists’ works, or at least their names in the future. ๐Ÿ˜€
    As for getting back into the old office… hmmm… ask around and find out what the others would have done in 1992 to get into the building (drive a car through the wall, throw a brick, magically happen to have a friend who can pick locks… or maybe the issue isn’t a physical key issue?)

    Moar on Gen Con. ๐Ÿ˜€
    I miss the days of White Wolf parties like The Rave in Milwaukee and even the V:tR release in Indy… Oh, the good old days, eh? I understand why they don’t happen now, but it’s good nostalgia. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m glad you guys will be more near the front this year with DTRPG and hope you’ll have some fun stuff to share for W20. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I hope the ear ache clears up for you. Take good care of it, and I hope your vacation goes wonderfully. ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. “Weโ€™re working on a big announcement on July 15th.”

    “Iโ€™m going on vacation from June 30th to July 15th. And by โ€œvacation,โ€ I mean โ€œonly checking email once in a while, and still having weekly meetings with Rich.โ€”

    Big announcement?

    Eddy’s back! Hurrah!

  3. I wish to hear more of this bright future of Exalted.

    Also, where exactly will the July 15th announcement be taking place? Here? The main site?


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