New Doc for Playtest: The Baali

Originally posted by Eddy on the V20 Blog.

A lot of moving parts have been happening at work recently, between the April Fool’s joke, the discussion about selling the book outside of Grand Masquerade (short answer: Yes, we will, and we’ll tell you more once we have more to share) and a nasty norovirus plague that hit the office. As such, I still haven’t finished up my research into the minor bloodline variants. However, Matt’s gotten me his write-up of the Baali and their Discipline Daimoinon, so look it over and tell us what you think.

Note that there hasn’t been very much changed in Daimoinon at all. Given how much work all the bloodlines are going to be, Matt and I didn’t put a lot of priority on rewriting the mechanics. If you guys find flaws with the rules, though, bring them up and we’ll look into them.

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