New Year, New Game Sale 2017!

Once again DriveThruRPG is running their New Year, New Game sale, and once again Onyx Path is participating.

Featured Bundles

Of the sale’s six Featured Bundles, we’re behind two of them!

The Scarred Lands Starter Bundle offers an introduction to the Scarred Lands setting, a $52.94 value, for just $24.99 (53% off)!

A broken world where legends walk.

The revised and re-imagined Scarred Lands is a world shaped by gods and monsters, and only the greatest of heroes can expect to be counted among them. The most populous continent of Scarn, Ghelspad, plays host to vast unexplored regions and hides unsolved riddles from numerous ancient cultures.

Now, bring this cherished fantasy setting back to your table!


  • Gauntlet of Spiragos (5e)
  • Scarred Lands Players Guide (5e)
  • Serpent Amphora Cycle 1: Serpent in the Fold (d20)
  • Serpent Amphora Cycle 2: The Serpent & The Scepter (d20)
  • Serpent Amphora Cycle 3: The Serpent Citadel (d20)
  • Serpent Amphora: Free Adventure (d20)
  • The Divine and the Defeated (d20)
  • Wilderness & Wasteland (d20)

The Mummy: The Curse Starter Bundle introduces Mummy: The Curse for the Chronicles of Darkness, a $71.94 value, for only $29.99 (58% off)!

“We are real. And we are arisen.”

Imagine being both dead and deathless. Imagine being cradled in the arms of death for years, for decades on end, but all the while knowing that you will eventually not only arise again, but awaken to an unfamiliar world that fears and hates you. Now imagine that your entire existence is bound within this cycle.

In Mummy: The Curse, for the Chronicles of Darkness, you are one of them.


  • The Chronicles of Darkness Rulebook
  • Mummy: The Curse Rulebook
  • Cursed Necropolis: DC
  • Guildhalls of the Deathless
  • Mummy: The Curse Storyteller’s Screen
  • Mummy Ready-Made Characters

And More!

But that’s not all: the sale contains much much more, including nearly 50 White Wolf rulebooks!

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