“His followers called him Mahasamatman and said he was a god. He preferred to drop the Maha- and the -atman, however, and called himself Sam. He never claimed to be a god, but then he never claimed not to be a god.”
– Roger Zelazny, Lord of Light
We often sneer as we say the word “myth”, using it as a way to deride ideas and concepts as fanciful falsehoods that have no basis in fact. We do this to exalt our own narrative, our own truth, reducing all others to, well, myths. But the root of the word myth has a different meaning – ‘story’, no more true or false than any other.
What if all those stories we call myth were true after all?
The Roman Sallustius said “Myths are things that never happened but always are.” Mircea Eliade said, “A myth is a true story that may or may not have happened.”
But what if they did happen?
Those ancient powers never went away. They wander our roads and cities, mingling with the teeming masses of humanity. You are one of their children, born to the magic of yesterday and the promise of tomorrow.
Your ancient enemies, the Titans, have stirred in their prisons beneath the lands of the dead, beyond the edges of the world, and even in amnesty in the heavens. Their spawn come forth from lands of myth, and the specter of war falls across the World. Titanomachy. Into this age of turmoil, you are called on to seize your birthrights and feel the mantle within your blood. Family has brought you here, and heroism will take you to your end, whatever that may be.
Find your destiny. Live the myth. Embrace your Fate.
Last week was Scion’s ninth anniversary — April 18, 2007. I remember exactly where I was the first time I read the book, four laptops ago — in my college coffeeshop, drinking a hot chocolate (okay, okay…a hot chocolate with Bailey’s). It was raining then, just like it’s raining now outside my window. The air was chilly enough that my hot chocolate was really comforting, and the light was dim enough that the brightness of my screen didn’t bother me. I waited for the file to finish downloading on the coffeeshop’s crappy wi-fi, opened it up, and started reading.
Since then, I’ve run countless Scion games and played in countless others. One Scion game even managed to heal a rift in my gaming group that had split it for years, just on the thought of being really awesome badass demigods running around.
But really, what is Scion?
Scion is a game about gods and humanity and everything in between. It’s a game about mythic deeds and the reasons why people talk about those mythic deeds. It’s also about modernity – the World today is a very different place than the anything our ancestors could’ve conceived – yet their lessons and their actions are still with us.
Scion 2nd Edition is four books, defining and expanding the setting (hereafter: the World) and some of the more primary pantheons defining that World.
What I’d like to keep in this edition is the focus on “divine pulp heroes”, the sense of adventuring towards apotheosis, the focus on divinity, and the slightly gonzo feel of 1e. Most importantly, the overwhelming idea that all myths are true. What I’d like to change in this edition is to introduce a sense of religious wonder, clear up some of the “foggy setting”, but allow for alternate settings and modes of play, and to give the players a much tighter, narrative, and play-focused base system and power set.
Scion 2e has a lot of themes running through it, but the three biggest themes are relationships, heroism, and faith. Every myth cycle is, at the heart, a story told by real humans to inspire, caution, and explain the way we think and believe. At the core of those myth cycles are the heroes, the figures whose virtues and flaws are larger than life.
Scion’s about two things: modern myth, and myth in the modern day. Modern myth in the sense that these are ancient tales and tropes that never truly grow old, that recur eternally, that are intrinsically tied to human nature. That’s the modern myth part. Yet there’s a lot in these stories that makes us sick, that doesn’t jive with our understanding of the world and morality, that’s at odds with who we are and how we want the World to be. This is myth in the modern day – the past is a different country. Some things never change, but a lot of things do. Modern mythologies can change to suit modern needs, even if it means discarding old traditions.
But there’s one more thing. If you need to sum up Scion in a single sentence, it’s this: “Who you are is very much tied to who you are to other people”. You are bound, and somewhat defined, by your relationships. It’s in the name of the game: being a scion of something means you’re from a greater parent, which defines your identity by someone or something else.
Scion’s Alpha Slice
Here’s the link to part of Scion’s Alpha Slice.
I commissioned the Scion Alpha Slice for Midwinter 2016, and my team made a really cool proof of concept game that nonetheless made me want to do a lot of things differently from how the slice ended up. In gaming parlance, an alpha slice is a chunk of the game – a little à la carte gaming design, taking each separate piece of the system, making an example of it, and plugging it in to see if it works. By doing so, we are able to tell a rough shape of how things work, and what’s superfluous (and what’s missing).
A lot of things worked. A lot didn’t. That’s what an alpha slice is for. The Midwinter players seemed to enjoy it a lot, though, so I’m going to show you some of it here. There’s a lot in this alpha slice that you’ve seen before, though a good bit that you haven’t. We don’t have labors or milestones in the experience pools. We don’t have the movement dice and actions in here that we do now, nor do we have the Knacks system fully written up – part of the alpha involved deciding just how Boons and Knacks and Edges worked, so I ended up scrapping a lot of them out of the alpha that you see here, just so the final version doesn’t look too different. Heck, we don’t even have the shifting continuum between Virtures.
(Paths have also changed a bit to involve more twists and turns and specializations, but they’re largely the same format as before.)
But everything else! Everything else is here.
Don’t take Emanuel Montero’s stats as gospel – he was written up as an alpha character, and like I said I excised some of the stuff we’ve totally changed. A character of Legend 3 will probably have at least three Boons and certainly that many Knacks! In the final version, the Pantheon-Specific Purview also details how your character works marvels with their other Purviews, and each PSP has specific Boons of their own.
And now, for next week: do you want to hear more about the World, Scion’s setting, so like our modern Earth yet teeming with divinity and mystically connected the Unknown Lands; or would you rather hear about the Titans, the progenitors of the gods, consumed by their Purviews? Vote in the comments below!
Today’s Music: Something appropriate to heroes, wouldn’t you say?
I say start with the World next week, it seems like something we should understand before anything else.
Are you looking for feedback on this alpha slice or should we wait for more finalized open development posts?
I’m no longer looking for feedback on the alpha slice, though if you have a specific comment or concern feel free to start a thread in the forums.
Between the two, I vote World.
World first, I’d say, although the ‘consumed by their Purviews’ bit does sound intriguing.
Home is behind us, the World is ahead.
So cool. I’ll dig into the Alpha Slice, good stuff.
I’m running Scion at Gen Con this Summer. I’ll happily volunteer to playtest any new rules for Scion at the Con.
Looking forward to this.
Dead Gamers Society
Really happy to have you guys running my stuff. Excited to work with you!
Zelazny + Scion = Good, you just make sure to throw in some Amber and everything’s going to be ok. Presently devouring.
As for what’s next
Time stands still
(seriously that’s what I hear every time someone mentions the setting, I make no apologies:))
Zelazny is a massive influence on Second Edition Scion, especially Lord of Light.
Other influences were Gaiman’s American Gods (as it was in First Edition), but also Sandman; and Kieron Gillen’s run on Journey into Mystery, but also his The Wicked + The Divine.
Let’s go with the tarot card next.
(The World.)
Sounds interesting. I will say that my main issues with 1e were the foggy setting and some rules quirks, so it sounds like you’re set on fixing the stuff I didn’t like. Which is good.
Add in a good crafting system so I can play the daughter of Hephestus, and I think you’ve got me hooked.
Give us a Titan please!
I’d like to see what new perspective you bring about the titans and their servants.
World please! I’m happy to see it’s going to be a bit better than define than 1st ed.
I’m going to buck the trend and say Titans! Mainly because as much as I loved the original game, I really want to know what you’ve changed since last time.
Also: I LOVE that image!
thank you for showing it to Us Neal. I’d like to see Titans please.
I’ve never really looked at Scion, beyond that image of the dude with mahoosive hand-cannon, but the above does intrigue me. Purviews and boons etc … damnit. Like I need another setting and system!
I vote World – purely because I need to know how things fit together!
“The Teotl and their religionists” is a religionists someone who doesn’t got divine blood in them,but Believes so much they gain some kind of power?
Oh wow….
If the finished product looks even *REMOTELY* like this, I’m already in love.
It looks like you took a lot of “outside” influence and worked it in well. I can *NOT* wait to run this for my Scion group here.
Will you all be taking feedback beyond this?
I recently ended a long running Chronicle that spanned three years of real life time. As a storyteller for the original system I found several inconsistencies, obstacles and challenges that I had to either make my own rules for or alter the original rules
I love the setting and the premise, I just hope you would accept some feedback in hopes of making this iteration better.
That’s what open development is all about! And feel free to start a thread on our forums about any topics you want me to cover.
I’d rather hear about Titans: I’m curious what “consumed by their Purviews” means. 🙂
Special notes because I’m a doofus:
Part of the intro text in this blog was written by Rose Bailey.
The Scion alpha slices were written by Charlie Raspin, James Mendez Hodes, Monica Speca, and Vera Vartanian.
My reason tells me that i should vote for the world, as is only logical taking the first step into the background and then move upwards… but f*ck that.
Give us the Titans!
I vote for the World.
This is really cool stuff, though it’s a bummer to hear that there’s a lot of stuff not in it yet. Dashes my dreams to use it as a generic system for an upcoming game!
I vote ZA WARUDO! (the World)
The World
The World
Is it going to be Resolve and Composure, or Grace and Discipline?
Nitpick: those don’t line up.
Trinity Scion
Finesse Dexterity
Vitality Stamina
Discipline Resolve
Grace Manipulation
Poise Composure
As I understand it, they’re both using the same attribute grid (Physical/Mental/Social, Power/Control/Resistance), but they’re going with different names for the individual attributes. I’ve already noted my preference for Grace over Manipulation (due to the clash between Scion’s heroism and relationships vs. the cynicism of “Manipulation”); and on review, I’d be quite happy if Scion were to use the Trinity set in its entirety.
Both games are working off the same list of Attributes. Or at least I am. The ones I’m using are in the core Storypath doc, but I suppose Neall may have changed them specifically for Scion.
The teasers originally posted are from an older incarnation of the Storypath rules, and a number of terms from there have since changed.
I love me some Titans most of all!
Remember the Titans!
…but do it later, please. Right now, I’m more interested in te World.
The Titans were here before the World so Titans
Please change “Nagualism” to “Nagual”. You don’t see any purviews called “Areteness” or “Tsukomo-Gamiying”.
Titans, if you will. A myth’s only as good as its villains.