Now Available: Aberrant VTTs and Scarred Lands merch!

Now available: three VTT token sets for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant!

  • Aberrant VTT 01: Heroes and Villains: The Heroes and Villains token collection allows you to bring some of Trinity Continuum: Aberrant‘s most iconic characters to the virtual tabletop platform of your choice, featuring 46 different tokens.
  • Aberrant VTT 02: Mooks and Minions: The Mooks and Minions token collection provides 30 character illustrations, duplicated in seven different themed sets for each of Trinity Continuum: Aberrant‘s major factions, for a total of 210 different tokens! For use in the virtual tabletop platform of your choice.
  • Aberrant VTT 03: Extras: What if Divis Mal joined Team Tomorrow? What if the Directive grew a clone of Antaeus? The Extras token collection takes all the iconic characters from the Heroes and Villiains collection with variant backgrounds from the different factions, so you can play any kind of multiversal crisis you want! 276 tokens for use in the virtual tabletop platform of your choice.

That’s well over 500 tokens to use!

Also available: new merch featuring art from Scarred Lands mega-adventure Dead Man’s Rust!

Other Recent Releases

Did you miss one of these recent releases?


It’s Onyx Path’s 10th Anniversary! Every month in 2022, we’ll be celebrating another one of our published game lines.

August is Scarred Lands month! The second half of the month, you can get Scarred Lands 3e/d20 and Pathfinder titles for 90% off!

Indie Press Revolution also has 50% off select Scarred Lands products!

Stay tuned for more OPP10 sales the rest of this year!

Crowdfunding Update

Our Kickstarter campaign for Trinity Continuum: Aether closes tomorrow, and hit 100% funding within the first four hours! We’re currently at $55,128, or 276% of our initial $20,000 goal, thanks to our 1060 backers! So far we’ve hit the following stretch goals:

  • Aether Reference Screen
  • Aether Ready-Made Characters
  • Aether Jumpstart
  • The Aethernaut Collection x3: A character folio, including period characters like Jekyll/Hyde, Moriarty, Dracula, and other allies and antagonists
  • Aether T-shirt on RedBubble
  • Aether Digital Wallpaper
  • Aether VTT Token Pack
  • Aether Mobile Wallpaper
  • Aether Audio Drama

Did you miss one of our previous campaigns? The following crowdfunded products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:

Community Spotlight

The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week:

The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:

The following community-created content for Storypath has been added to the Storypath Nexus in the last week:

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