4 thoughts on “Now Available: Blood Nativity”

  1. I didn’t realize Atlas published V:TM before White Wolf. Is there an article that breaks the pub history down somewhere. I mean, I know that Lion Rampant pub’d Ars Magica first, and Atlas has that imprint now.

    • White Wolf has always published Vampire, since the beginning.

      Atlas released Blood Nativity as an introductory supplement during WW’s first year, and they had a couple of associated merch tie-ins, but otherwise it’s all been WW.

  2. Note for trivia fans: Blood Nativity is the only Vampire product, besides the original core rules, to include a “hunt table”. This was a featured that was going to be in every supplement: basically a random d10 table featuring complications that might happen when characters were hunting for Vitae. Atlas Games faithfully included one, and then that was it…


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