Now Available: Fallen World Anthology and Damnation City!

143174 Now available from DriveThruFiction: The advance PDF of The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology!

The world is a Lie

A prison for souls warped by an Abyss of madness. People Sleep through their lives, never knowing the wonders and terrors concealed from them. Awakened mages see the Lie for what it is, scratching the surface and uncovering the World of Darkness’ Mysteries. Each is a revelation, a danger, an obsession in the making. Armed with magic and a need to know, mages confront the supernatural and unexplained.

The Fallen World Anthology contains 12 short stories (8 original to this collection) of magic and mystery, in celebration of the second edition of Mage: The Awakening.

Featuring stories by:

Rick Chillot, Wood Ingham, Matthew McFarland, John Newman, Malcolm Sheppard, Geoff Skellams, Tristan J Tarwater, Eddy Webb, and Eric Zawazdki.

Damnation CityWe’re also delighted to announce that the classic Vampire: The Requiem product Damnation City is now once again available in print! Damnation City has been hailed by many as the best supplement for Vampire: The Requiem, and possibly for the World of Darkness.

Look, it’s simple:

See that fat lick over there?
With the backpack?
When he steps onto the black asphalt of the parking lot, he’s mine. Until then, he’s in the fields, where any vampire can take him. I am the lord of this ground, and the penalty for poaching from me is you must drink from me. When you drink the kine that walk on my ground you drink from me.

— Sycorax, Lady of the Blacktop

The City-creation sourcebook for Vampire: The Requiem

The Prince is the master of the city, but he has named you lord of your territory. It’s up to you and your cohorts to maintain the Masquerade, influence mortal lives and pass judgment on the Kindred who dwell in your shadow. Are you a tyrant or a saint? Will you pull the Prince’s strings or become the Prince yourself?

This book includes:

  • Guides to selecting or designing a modern city that’s right for your chronicle, and giving that city the World of Darkness’s gritty supernatural atmosphere.
  • Tools and tricks for running dramatic and suspenseful stories in a crowded and shadowy city, including such new systems as “City of Millions” and “Attitude and Ambience.”
  • New styles of gameplay for Vampire: The Requiem, called Barony and Primacy, that take advantage of more than 50 urban Districts and unique Sites.
  • A guide to the fictional city of Newcastle—a new World of Darkness environment ready for you to customize and activate in play.

6 thoughts on “Now Available: Fallen World Anthology and Damnation City!”

  1. I can’t begin to describe how excited I am about The Fallen World. Pretty much the best news I’ve gotten from a website in a while.

  2. I haven’t read a whole lot of WoD fiction, and I retroactively discovered most of what I had read that I liked was our savior Stolze. GMC anthology was aight, though, so I’ll check this out. does this mean we’re clooosing on a PDF for Mage2’s core? not that any game I play on will be running it, but.

  3. Of course you’d release on the one night of the week I don’t have time to read it. I love the cover and the layout, by the way. Although I’m not quite sure why the cover shows up twice.

    • Think of it as a splash page.

      Originally when we did fiction back in the day, page 1 was just a blank white page with a logo and author credit. Splash page is just a fancier version of that.

  4. Throwing in a late comment on Damnation City, this PoD release was super timely for me; I had some book money to burn and was just getting around to deciding what to order, and I’d been meaning to give Damnation City a sit down and thorough readthrough. I remember old run copies were going for crazy prices last I looked it up; they’re not as crazy now, but hey, as long as I’m getting a Drivethru order anyway, I might as well pass along the money.


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