Now Available: Firestorm Chronicle Anthology and more!

firestorm chronicle anthology

Now available in advance ebook format from DriveThruFictionThe Firestorm Chronicle Anthology.

The Created wake with a flash of lightning, a gush of water, or a mouthful of air. They stumble into life, knowing barely enough to play at being human.

But human is exactly what they must become. The urges in their alchemical bodies, the marks left by the Prometheans preceding, and every instinct they possess, tells them that Humanity is the goal. Strive, learn, struggle, and reach the New Dawn.

Sometimes that Pilgrimage ends well. Sometimes it ends in tragedy. Either can herald a Firestorm.

The Firestorm Chronicle Anthology paves the way for the upcoming Promethean: The Created 2nd Edition, coming soon from Onyx Path!


Umbra: The Velvet Shadow for Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition is now available in print!

This book presents the spirit world of the Umbra as seen and understood by the Garou and their fellow shapeshifters, providing players and Storytellers both with new information about the various spirit worlds. It includes a detailed look at the animistic Umbra as the werewolves know it, with new information on the Penumbra and the Realms. Storytellers can use the information on the Astral and Dark Umbrae — in both the Penumbra and the spirit world itself — to present unfamiliar spirit worlds that bring new challenges to the Garou. The book also contains details on the Kami, creatures and places possessed by the energies of Gaia herself.

Gauntlet of Spiragos
Gauntlet of Spiragos, a Scarred Lands adventure for Pathfinder is now available in print!

For centuries, titans bestrode the world, colossal heads and shoulders lost in the clouds, carelessly smashing and crushing all beneath. When the youngest of them had enough and declared war on their ancient parents, even the land itself suffered. These scars of the Divine War, which ended less than 200 years ago, have still not healed.

One such scar is the Chasm of Flies, a rent in the earth created when the titan Spiragos the Ambusher was smote down by one of the young gods, Vangal the Ravager. Now, the Chasm is inhabited by spider-eye goblins and their spider allies, but it is also thought to be the resting place of powerful artifacts from that elder age.

Have a happy new year!

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