Now Available: Gothic Icons and Sothis Ascends

sothis ascendsAs covered in our earlier post, we’re rolling out the bold new direction for the World of Darkness with our release of Gothic Icons.

Inspired by the success of the Dark Eras Kickstarter, Onyx Path Publishing has decided to overhaul every classic and new World of Darkness game in their catalog to transport the entire line back to the nineteenth century, during the height of Gothic literature’s popularity, to add Historical Angst™!

To highlight the new, gothtacular path they’ll be following, the company has filed a trademark for the phrase Historical Angst™ and created Gothic Icons to help shed some insight on where the line is headed.

Gothic Icons includes six characters that represent the gothiest Gothic icons, and have been drawn from several sources found in Gothic literature.

The gothtacular characters included in Gothic Icons employ the rules update to the World of Darkness rulebook using The God-Machine Chronicle. They are presented in chronological order of their Historical Angst™ appearance in the 1800s-ish timeframe.

Also available today — perhaps also taking advantage of our new Historical direction? — we have the advance PDF for Sothis Ascends for Mummy: The Curse.

You burn to know the significance of the rise of high Sothis, and now that we have dragged ourselves through the arid fullness of time, I will answer thus:

What is it that reveals itself under the light of a rising star?

When convergence slides its ineffable will into place, and Fate swings but one pole-star wide, high above the contours of creation’s map, what emerges to stand before that celestial radiance? To defiantly utter the words of power etched upon its own naked name?

The truth is rooted in the fact that each star is unique, possessed of its own name and light, just as the name of one man is not the name of another. And the starlight of Sothis is deeply reflective, bathing the eyes of those who gaze up at it in the brilliant tapestry of their own celestial night.

You ask for revelations about Sothis, but you ask them of me.

If you would have answers, you must first know in whose name your starlight shines.

And in that light, high Sothis reveals all.

— Sefet-Qam, the Hallowed Mask

This book includes:

  • Comprehensive information on the mundane and supernatural world during each of the three prior Sothic Turns, Mummy’s pivotal eras of historical play — the Cannibal Hymn (2371 BCE), the Mighty Despair (910 BCE), and the Return to Dusk (551 CE).
  • A wealth of new material for Storytellers, including characteristics of a Sothic chronicle, features of the latest Sothic Turn, a secret society of the Deathless, a new kind of Utterance, and two new types of story framework — the interwoven chronicle and the parallel chronicle.
  • “Pearl of Ascent” — a complete Mummy story that Storytellers can run alone or as the climactic final act in a three-part series called The Avarice Chronicle.

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