Now Available: Lots of Exalted!

Now available from DriveThruRPG in audio (!) format: Exalted 3rd Edition Music Suite 1: Fanfare for the Chosen!

Fanfare for the Chosen includes inspiring soundtrack themes for each of the ten types of Exalted (Solars, Lunars, Sidereals, Dragon Bloodeds, Abyssals, Exigents, Getiminans, Liminals, Infernals, Alchemicals), to set the tone as you encounter these Exalted in your games or are seeking inspiration for new stories.

About the composer:

James Semple is a composer for media (tv, video games, websites and films) specialising in ultra-realistic digital orchestration. He has created soundtracks for the Trail of Cthulhu, 13th Age, Unknown Armies 3rd Edition, Esoterrorists, and now Exalted 3rd Edition RPGs.

Also available: Exalted 3rd Edition Wallpapers!

This is the tale of a forgotten age before the seas were bent, when the world was flat and floated atop a sea of chaos. This is the tale of a decadent empire raised up on the bones of the fallen Golden Age, whose splendor it faintly echoed but could not match. This is a tale of primal frontiers, of the restless dead, of jeweled cities ruled openly by spirits in defiance of Heaven’s law. This is a tale of glorious heroes blessed by the gods, and of their passions and the wars they waged in the final era of legends.

This is your tale. This is Exalted. What legends will they tell of your deeds?

A selection of electronic wallpaper files featuring a collage of the art from the Exalted 3rd Edition RPG.

Also available: Hundred Devils Night Parade part 5: Cloud Person & Fang-Blossom!

From the frozen North to the burning South, and all directions in between, there are creatures that stalk Creation. Demons, spirits, monsters and even creatures who live alongside mankind are in every region.

In this collection you will find new foes, encounter old enemies, and learn the secrets of these denizens of Exalted 3rd Edition’s wondrous world.

Hundred Devils Night Parade: Cloud Person and Fang Blossom

The aloof and hedonistic Cloud People and the beautiful yet carnivorous Fang-Blossoms will make formidable foes to challenge your players.



Storytellers Spotlight

The following community-created Vampire: The Masquerade products have come out in the last week:

5 thoughts on “Now Available: Lots of Exalted!”

  1. Listening to the music now. It’s glorious. But the Getimian typo needs to be fixed, the dot after Lesser But Safe should be removed (and I don’t really understand the name Lesser But Safe), and Dragonblooded should be written Dragon-Blooded for consistency.

  2. Sorry to be posting it here, but is there any word on when the physical copy of A Thousand Years of Night is available? It has been quite some time…

  3. Wasn’t the music suite an unlock for all backers?

    *At $275,000 of contributions, every backer will receive a specially composed EX3 Music Suite by James Semple, who created the EX3 theme in our video: stirring arrangements that evoke the adventure and majesty of Exalted. Not just great to listen to, but also excellent for use as background music for your game to set just that right tone.*


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