Now Available: Magic and Mystery in print, plus Scion VTT!

Now available in finalized PDF and print-on-demand via DriveThruRPG: Realms of Magic and Mystery for Scion 2nd Edition!

A Wealth of Terra Incognita to visit

Realms of Magic & Mystery expands the setting of Scion 2nd Edition with details about 28 new Terra Incognita, six new Axes Mundi, and a wealth of additional information about otherworlds and how to use them in your series.

Realms of Magic & Mystery requires Scion: Origin and is compatible with all of the other Scion 2nd Edition books. Inside, you will find:

  • Expanded information about several Underworlds, including Elysium, Mictlán, Valhalla, and Yomi
  • More than 20 entirely new otherworlds, including 10 strange places, eight Midrealms, and several new Overworlds and Underworlds.
  • Advice to Storyguides for creating new otherworlds, including step-by-step instructions for creating them.
  • New Boons, Callings, Knacks, and Relics that are either associated with the various realms in this book or that help characters interact with and travel between realms.

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So far we’ve hit the following Achievements:

  • TCPG backer T-shirt
  • Tools of the Trade PDF x2: gear and equipment, The Art of Crafts
  • Trinity Continuum Player’s Guide desktop wallpaper
  • Trinity Continuum Player’s Guide mobile wallpaper

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