Now Available: New Posters!

New Wave Requiem

Three new posters are now available via DriveThruRPG!

New Wave Requiem

Do you remember the 80s? Not that bubble-gum garbage you see on those so-called “music networks,” but the real 80s? World War III was always on the horizon while sex, drugs and money flowed like a river of blood right to us. Vampires were everywhere. The Masquerade was at its thinnest point, but we didn’t care because the world was ours. We kept playing our games, doing our dance, but everyone was afraid that one AIDS-ridden blood doll with a grudge or one neonate with a personal computer and a private investor would decide someday to pull the trigger and make the world burn.

Those were good times.

— Robyn Sloane, Circle of the Crone

Now you can own the single-most requested Vampire: the Requiem cover art as a full color 12″ x 18″ poster to hang in your own home!

Originally created by artist Erik Jones for the cover of New Wave Requiem and available for the first time.

Boston UnveiledBoston Unveiled

The first European mages to arrive in New England made dark compacts and concords that still affect the region to this day. From ancient oaths signed in blood to the dying curses of witches, Boston’s modern mages are bound by fates not of their own making. The region’s history weighs heavily on the shoulders of all… even from beyond the grave.

Now you can own this iconic Mage: the Awakening cover art as a full color 12″ x 18″ horizontal poster to hang in your own home!

Originally created by artist Matt Mitchell for the cover of Boston Unveiled and available for the first time.

Autumn NightmaresAutumn Nightmares

All the leaves are yellow,
All the grass is brown.
All the nights are longer,
Sun goes down.

Crows are in the branches,
Wolves are in the wild.
Others in the shadows,
Goodbye, child.


Now you can own this dynamic Changeling: the Lost cover art as a full color 12″ x 18″ poster to hang in your own home!

Originally created by artist J. P. Targete for the cover of Autumn Nightmares and available for the first time.

8 thoughts on “Now Available: New Posters!”

  1. Please do demon the descent. I have the poster announcing the release of the awakening. And really demon would look so damn good next to it.

  2. Oh please, please, please, make one with the Winter Masques cover ! Rites of Spring could be nice too… (And dancers in the dusk ! And Equinox Road ! And… Oh Don’t bother, just put all the changeling covers !) But thank you so much for Next Wave Requiem ! Just some questions : will there be different size ? Will ther be different kinds of paper quality (like the Premium/standard quality for Pod)

    Thanks !

  3. Autumn Nightmares was the first book I ever bought for new World of Darkness, which led me to buy Changeling: the Lost, which led me to buy the World of Darkness source book, which THEN led me to be interested in that whole milieu.* A big part of me just looking at that first book was the title, but the cover image’s evocative scene made me flip it open to see what was inside.

    So you know I will have that poster! I’ll hang it at my desk at work, as a reminder of, um… How much scary Hedgeborn and Faerie madness is waiting for me after I clock out? Righto!

    Oh, and if I could see Stephanie Pui-Mun Law’s Changeling Dawn/Dusk cover images as posters, that would be the BEST!

    * Yeah, I know that’s not quite how it’s SUPPOSED to work…


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