Now Available: Roll of Good Dogs and Excellent Cats

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: the Roll of Good Dogs and Excellent Cats for Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau!

“Well that’s the excitement of it all, isn’t it? Meeting new friends, starting new adventures — what’s a better way to live?” 

Kayla, Freelance Adventurer 

Dive into the world of Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau with this handy compendium.

Inside, you’ll find everything you need to start an adventure of your own. Some highlights of Roll of Good Dogs and Excellent Cats include: 

  • A variety of ready-to-play cat and dog characters 
  • Adventuring groups and their origins 
  • Story suggestions for short sessions or campaigns 


See the Community Spotlight section below for a similar project for Canis Minor!

Kickstarter Update

Our Kickstarter for a deluxe version of the upcoming Lunars: Fangs at the Gate for Exalted 3rd Edition ended last week, and Exalted fans managed to hit our goal in a mere 39 minutes!

We ended at $288,526 of our $60,000 goal, or 481%, with 2379 backers. This means we’ve hit 23 stretch goals:

  • Lunars-themed Storyteller Screen
  • Many-Faced Strangers: 10,000 words of additional Charms, 5000 words of quick character stat blocks (~7 animals), Heroes of the Silver Pact (Leviathan, Aum-Ashatra, Aqadar, and Smiling Zamisha), Martial Arts (Toad style, Bear style, Monkey style, Rat style), chapter fiction, War for the Caul (expanded x2), the Shadow Fang Vanguard, Signature Lunar QCs (Tegama, Sazay Shadow-Dancer, Silent Pearl, Tula the Reaver, Sublime Danger), Magic of the Moon, Additional Dominion, + color art upgrade
  • Lunars backer T-shirt
  • Art budget increase
  • Digital wallpaper
  • Lunar novella
  • Cloth Map of Creation (Lunars version)
  • Deluxe upgrade: two additional bookmarks
  • PDF bundle addon of older material

Did you miss one of our previous Kickstarters? The following Kickstarted products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:

Community Spotlight

The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week (to be updated once DTRPG is back up):

The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:

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