Now Available: Scion High!

Now available in PDF from DriveThruRPG: Scion High, a Storypath Tasty Bit for Scion 2nd Edition!

Nobody quarrels like Gods. Competition between Pantheons can get… heated.

Mohammed Salah, a Scion of Thoth with a doctorate in education and pedagogy, founded The Trismegistos Academic Sanctuary as an experiment: an attempt to make the next generation of Scions less fractious than their forebears.

By reaching young Scions early, putting them together, and teaching them who they were and what their lives may look like, he might create a cohort of young people with healthier relationships with each other, mortals, and their Godly parents. Welcome to Scion High.

Scion High is Storyguide advice designed for use with Scion: Origin 2nd Edition and Scion: Hero 2nd Edition.

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Indie Press Revolution also has 50% off select Realms of Pugmire products!

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Community Spotlight

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