Now Available: Trinity Continuum and Trinity Continuum: Æon!

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook!

The Only Constant is Change.

“Potential is everywhere. You can’t really see it, but you can feel it. And all you really need to do is reach out, grab that potential in your hand, and bend it to your will. Nothing goes wrong if you just use your potential. I know it sounds easy. I can’t really tell you how to do it. But when you do, you’ll just know.” 

– Janeka Spencer, Neptune Foundation first responder 

The Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook is a standalone game for the Trinity Continuum, and is meant for use with Æon, Aberrant, and Adventure! Inside, you will find:

  • Rules for creating characters within the Trinity Continuum 
  • Rules for Action-Adventure, Intrigue, and Procedural play
  • Advice for running genre games and styles of play in the Trinity Continuum 
  • Information on playing Talents in the modern era

Also available (PDF and print): Trinity Continuum: Æon!

The Stars Await!

Humanity has begun settling on planets circling other suns. Teleporters like myself and the new Leviathan jump ships can take anyone across the galaxy in a few hours, so the stars are at last within our reach. However, we have found dangers as well as wonders out there, and only by working together can we overcome them and take our place on the galactic stage. 

– Bolade Atwan, Proxy of Upeo wa Macho, November 2122 

Trinity Continuum: Æon also requires the use of the Trinity Continuum Corebook to play.

Inside, you will find: 

  • Details about both Earth and the worlds humanity has colonized in the early 22nd century 
  • Rules for creating psion and proxy characters within the Trinity Continuum 
  • Information about spacecraft, noetic biotech, and other technologies of the early 22nd century 
  • Advice for playing Talents in Trinity Continuum: Æon 
  • Advice for running different genres of science fiction in the Trinity Continuum 

Both books are available in the Trinity Continuum PDF Bundle!

As many of you know, these books have been my baby, so I’m delighted to finally get them out to the public. Thank you for all your support, and thank you to Danielle Lauzon and John Snead for being my right and left hands in this endeavour.


Scarred Lands products for Pathfinder (the Scarred Lands Players Guide and The Wise & The Wicked 2nd Edition) are upwards of 90% off from Indie Press Revolution! Both products are an incredible $5 each!

Kickstarter Update

The Kickstarter for Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition launched last month, and hit its $25,000 funding goal in just 10 hours! We’re currently at $59,999, or 240%, with just one day to go. Thanks to our 1214 backers! So far we’ve hit the following stretch goals:

  • Mummy Storyteller Screen
  • Additional Content: New Utterances
  • Book of Lasting Death
  • Scroll of Fading Memory add-on upgrade: Mummy 1e ST Screen, Mummy 1e Ready-Made Characters
  • Mummy Backer T-Shirt

Did you miss one of our previous Kickstarters? The following Kickstarted products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:

Community Spotlight

The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week:

The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:

The Storypath Nexus is now open! So far Scion content has been unlocked. The following community-created content for Scion has been added to the Storypath Nexus in the last week:

5 thoughts on “Now Available: Trinity Continuum and Trinity Continuum: Æon!”

    • We did a whole Kickstarter to make traditionally printed books to go into FLGSs, so folks can get those in stores (or get your FLGS to order them for you), or online on IPR’s website. Plus, you can get the PDF or PoD versions on DriveThru. Many options are now available!


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