Now Available: Vigil Watch: Kelder Mountains

Now available in PDF and print via DriveThruRPG: Vigil Watch: The Kelder Mountains for Scarred Lands!

Two Cultures Torn by Betrayal

In the peaks of the Kelder Mountains stands the Impregnable Citadel of Burok Torn. This stronghold is home to the Kelder dwarves, a culture beset on all sides by enemies who seek to subjugate, enslave, or destroy them. Under the watchful eye of their god, Goran, the dwarves of Burok Torn fortify their home against invasion.

The Kelder Mountains are also home to the elves of Dier Drendal. The drendali, once staunch allies of Burok Torn, have become the sworn enemies of the Kelder dwarves in the wake of foul betrayal during the Divine War. Living under the iron-fisted rule of their demented god, Nalthalos, the drendali move their city through the earth beneath the mountain range as they seek an opportunity to invade Burok Torn.

Vigil Watch: The Kelder Mountains examines the history and current events of these two cultures. Bound in a cycle of hatred and war, can the peoples of Burok Torn and Dier Drendal move into the future, or will the agony of their pasts consume them? 

Vigil Watch: The Kelder Mountains contains:

  • An overview of the dwarven stronghold of Burok Torn
  • An overview of the mobile drendali city of Dier Drendal
  • Profiles on the demigods Goran and Nalthalos, and their impact on their cultures
  • New creatures and magic items!

Also available:

  • Dead Man’s Rust Tokens and Maps (Roll20)
  • Vigil Watch Tokens and Maps (Roll20)

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